COVID-19 restrictions are still imposed on the population here. The goal of the government is to make sure that 100% of the population gets the COVID vaccine. Some of the activities you cannot do unless you have the COVID vaccine pass are go to a restaurant or coffee shop, do any government paperwork, go to the doctor or the hospital, get into a government building, go to the bank, get married, or get your license renewed. We are still allowed to purchase groceries and travel. Praise the Lord! Just over a week ago, the government relaxed some of these restrictions, so we have some more freedom.
Many members of our church are suffering because of the restrictions, but our attendance at church is going strong! Praise the Lord! Many first-time visitors are showing up for the services. People are searching for God and answers to all of the events of the end times that are happening right before our eyes. Our church was under a restriction of no more than 300 in attendance. We are having a spirit of revival in our church! Many are going out soul winning and having victory over addictions. There is a good spirit in the church! We continue to go forward by faith!
We continue to pass out Gospel tracts by the thousands. Just recently, a group of people from our church went downtown, and we passed out 1,100 tracts in 2 hours. The people readily accept the tracts. I’m getting text messages on my phone from people who have read the tracts. I ask them if they put their faith in Christ for their salvation? They answer, “Yes,” and then say that they want to go to church. God is blessing this ministry! Our goal is to pass out one million tracts per year!
Let me give you a prayer request. The room where I temporarily store the tracts at the church is a multipurpose room used for many activities. Also, the roof over the room leaks, and the floor floods with water on a regular basis. I have the boxes of tracts on pallets to keep them dry. The need that we have is to purchase or build a building to be used exclusively for the Gospel-tract ministry. I have looked at a building that we could possibly purchase. I would like to go forward by faith and expand this ministry. Our need is a building where we can temporarily store the tracts and Bibles. Please pray with me concerning this great opportunity to expand the Gospel here in Argentina!
Recently while going door-to-door soul winning, I was able to lead Dora to the Lord. Dora had some health problems and was 85 years old. Weeks later, I received the news that she had passed away. We were able to go to her funeral and continue to preach the Gospel to the multitude. Praise the Lord!
We just had our Faith Promise Conference for world missions. We are working on increasing the financial support we give to the 26 missionaries that our church is supporting. We also plan to add 3 new missionaries. This church is a giving church! The people live humble lives, but they are faithful in giving their tithes and their Faith Promise commitments. I’m very excited about being a part of this church.
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers—your missionaries on the front lines since 1996!
For souls,
Brian R. George and Family
- Passing out Gospel tracts and witnessing with Rodrigo
- 2022 Faith Promise Missions Conference