We want to start this prayer letter out by sharing one of our great blessings. About four years ago, a couple from Texas came to visit our church and the children’s home.It was a blessing to meet them, but we didn’t expect to hear from them in the future. About two months later, they gave us a call to let us know that the Lord had laid it upon their hearts to help us build a new location for the children’s home. Up to that point, for 11 years, we had been using our own home. The new home would allow the children to have a lot more room outside to run and play within a secured wall.
Well, since our last prayer letter, the construction is done, and we are finally moved in! We now have so much space. Before, we were maxed out on the number of needy children we could receive, but now we have room for as many as 25 boys and 25 girls. At the home, the boys’ side is separated from the girls’ side. The children meet in the middle in their classroom to do homeschooling. It is the perfect setup. God is so good in how He provided for the children through this Christian couple.
In our last letter, we mentioned our plans to go back to the United States and report to some of our supporting churches. It seems like the Lord may have other plans. Things were not coming together, and some pastors even mentioned that maybe we could just send a video report. So after much prayer, we’ve decided to wait on a furlough until June 2023. I will be calling our supporting churches during the month of April to set up these meetings. We long to be able to see all of you once again, but the truth is, after 19 years, Mexico is our home, and the believers in Mexico are truly our church family. We struggle to have to leave them.
On another note, I have been burdened to help young preachers in Mexico with their desire to plant more churches. This would require Bible training for young men and women, as well as encouraging them in the ministry. As we continue to preach the Word in Zacatecas, we would also like to reach out and be a blessing and a help to the faithful men who feel called to preach God’s Word. Many are just lacking support, training, and encouragement in their ministries. Pray that the Lord will guide me as to how I can be a help to them.
• Pray for safety as we drive between major cities in Mexico; these are usually the areas that are the most dangerous and where we are the most vulnerable.
• As we see that day approaching, please pray for more people to be reached through the soul-winning efforts of our churches and ministries in Mexico.
His servants by His grace,
Jonathan & Laura Bryan

Our brand-new children’s home that can house 25 girls and 25 boys comfortably!