The month of July found us traveling from church to church in Southern California. This month we were blessed to be with Iglesia Bautista Fundamental of Pomona, California; Iglesia Bautista Fundamental La Voluntad de Dios, Highland Park, California; Iglesia Bautista Sendero de Vida, South Gate, California; Bible Baptist Church of Wilmington, California; Bible Baptist Church of Long Beach, California; and Iglesia Bautista Pacifico, Long Beach, California.
One of our soul-winning highlights from this past month was while we were with Pastor and Mrs. Rodriguez in Highland Park, California. Ali and I were not able to speak to many people due to Spanish being the dominant language in that area, but we were blessed to partner up with Pastor and Mrs. Rodriguez as we went out. While Pastor Rodriguez was going through the plan of salvation with one young lady, I continued to pray for the Lord to draw this young lady unto Him. Praise God, she came to trust Jesus Christ as her own personal Saviuor. At the same time, Ali was able to pray as Mrs. Rodriguez was sharing the Gospel with two other individuals and see them trust Christ as their Saviour! Praise God for the power of prayer and for the power of the Gospel unto salvation!
Another highlight came while out soul winning with Pastor Geronimo from Bible Baptist Church of Wilmington, California. I was able to sit down in a park and witness to a woman named DeAnna. After showing her according to the Scriptures how she could know Christ as her Saviour, she called out to God to save her and received the free gift of salvation! Our final soul-winning highlight came while preaching the morning main service for Iglesia Bautista Pacifico, with Pastor Campa translating for me. We gave an invitation to come forward at the end of the message, and a young boy named Ruben came forward and trusted the Lord Jesus as his own personal Saviour! Praise the Lord for the souls we were able to witness and see saved this month!
Lastly, we would like to thank Bible Baptist Church of Long Beach, California, and Victory Baptist Church of Del Rio, Texas, for partnering with us to reach the lost across East Africa. Praise God, we now are currently at 76% of our needed support! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. May you have a blessed month as you live for Christ.
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, & Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14
- MKs and PKs are having a nice meal and some fellowship.
- All three kids passed out while Daddy preached–their new favorite time to take a nap!
- I preached at Iglesia Bautista Pacifico while Pastor Campa translated for me.
- Jeffrey was asked to participate in the offering during a Sunday morning service.
- Jeffrey is leaving a tract on someone’s door while out door knocking.
- Esther is leaving an invitation and a John and Romans at a home while out in the town of Wolverine, Michigan.
- Hannah lost her front teeth this month.