Thank you for praying for us here in Thailand. We have many blessings to share, even with restrictions and virus concerns. Our outlook here is to refuse to be downhearted, rather to be motivated, “always abounding” (I Corinthians 15:57). After one of our online services, Ethaw Thaw, a 23-year-old man, desiring to be obedient to the Lord despite the obstacles, happily came in to the church to be baptized. We often receive feedback of thankfulness and growth concerning the online services and Bible studies. People are hungry for the powerful, positive results God delivers to His believers.
With job opportunities shrinking, some of our members have had to take less desirable positions. One group of our church members took jobs filling bags of ice in the middle of the night to be delivered in the morning. While visiting some of our dear, night-shift church members, Sarah and Daa met Nodaah for the first time, and she got saved. Nodaah is Cambodian and can speak Thai, but cannot read at all. Sarah is an American who can speak Thai, and through the Thai language, Nodaah was able to hear the Gospel and trusted Christ as her Saviour.
One type of business that has really taken off here is food delivery. Dozens of green and pink motorcycles speed around all over as if they are delivering a living heart for a transplant; but, no, it’s just somebody’s chicken fried rice! In the morning hours, these motorcycle drivers find some shade and just await the calls on their phones. Star and I, over the past several months, have led many of these motorcycle drivers to the Lord. The drivers understand that they have a good job and get paid decently. Many of the drivers are humble and willing to listen.
On and off for the past several months, children have been doing their public school online. This is a challenge for a large family, as it requires a lot of screens. Often, the kids, close in age, share one screen or cell phone in a hot, un-school-like atmosphere. This also presents an opportunity to lead children like Aughn and Jaw Dah to the Lord, children who have never heard the Gospel, as they are home during their difficult homeschooling time.
For years, we’ve known different workers that supply the manpower for a few of the different PTT gasoline stations along the main highway outside of town. Pumping gas, working the convenience store, cleaning the property, and helping the owner with housekeeping are many of the areas covered. We found out recently that a new batch of workers arrived at one of the stations. Many of these workers moved an hour from home to get this consistent job. Although the hours are long (open 24 hours a day), it pays the bills for many in the family. We had the blessing to meet these new workers, share the good news of the Gospel with them, and invite them to church. Four of them got saved: Joe Daa (age 30), Bew Bew (age 27), Majolee (age 24), and Htoo Too (age 26).
Chigh, age 55, was led to the Lord just down from the food-delivery motorcycles shortly after coming out of the ocean. Chigh, homeless and living off the land (and water), came out of the water, as he had spent a good while fishing that morning. His income, virtually non-existent, coupled with an alcohol battle in the evenings, makes for rugged living. We introduced ourselves and asked him if he knew for sure he had an eternal home in Heaven. He laughed and said, “No.” We asked if he would like to know how to go to Heaven. He deeply and sincerely stopped what he was doing and, just as clear as a bell, said, “Yes, please tell me.” It was as if God had prepared the man for the good news he was about to get. Sweetly saved, you would think he had hit the jackpot—he did!
The local pineapple factory continued to have issues with COVID cases throughout July. If they knew Jesus, things would be different in their minds and hearts. For this reason, we will continue to get the Gospel out. Thank you for your prayers and encouragements. Also, if we can ever add you directly to our prayer-letter emailing, we would be blessed to add your email to our list. Just send us a note through any means listed below.
Grateful to serve,
Bro. Chad Inman & Family
- Aughn (age 8) and Jaw Dah (age 10)
- The food-delivery drivers mid-morning
- Making visits to the night-shift church members
- Children’s church in early July
- Dtee (age 22) got saved!
- These gas-station employees all understood the Gospel.
- Nodaah (age 25) got saved!
- Natawood (age 36) got saved.
- These gas-station employees all understood the Gospel.
- Chigh (age 55) got saved!
- Ice, a food-delivery driver, was recently saved.
- Ethaw Thaw