The month of July has been a bit of a normal month; but, nonetheless, it has been a busy month! Our Thursday night midweek service keeps growing, and it is turning out to be our family’s favorite service of the week. The service has been consistent with our faithful church members, both adults and youth! Our Sunday services have been moving forward as well, as we have seen many new visitors each week, and we have been growing spiritually through the doctrines of the Bible.
This month, our teens finished and graduated from our discipleship program! I’m honored to report that seven of our teenagers have completed all of their studies and graduated from the program!
This month, we had our Saturday youth activity as well, and it was fun watching the teens trying to play football (soccer) with the smallest ball we could find them. At one point, Quincy came up almost crying and asked, “Pastor, can we please play with a bigger ball?” I then laughed and said that they could in the last game! Anyway, we had a lot of fun, and these young men and women keep growing in their walk with the Lord. Pray for them, as we now will begin to teach them over the next few months on how to lead someone through the Gospel on their own.
Lastly, we had a wonderful month out soul winning. One of our teenagers brought his older sister to church on a Saturday while we were preparing for Sunday services. We were able to go through the Gospel with her and watch as she called upon the Lord as her Saviour! We also were blessed to visit one of our other teen’s homes and talk to her mother about the Gospel! She, too, came to turn to Christ alone!
Toward the end of the month, we also went to visit a woman who has been visiting our church for about a month now. While at her home, she informed us of some other ladies from the neighborhood who had been interested in the church. I asked if they were around, and before I knew it, there were about eight adults and seven kids all in one room listening as we shared the Gospel with them. It was exciting to hear each woman, one by one, acknowledge that they were on their way to the Lake of Fire for trusting in their own good deeds but were now calling upon God to receive eternal life through Jesus Christ alone! God is so good! To top it all off, it was a blessing to hear how excited Jeffrey was to continue to learn through these moments on how to go through the Gospel with someone himself!
Oh, I almost forgot! We officially put up our church sign this month as well! Our people are very excited that we now have a church sign out by the
main highway!
May you all continue to enjoy the summer season. We thank you for your faithful prayers and support. God bless you.
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, and Esther
Romans 10:14
I was about five years old, and I didn’t know Who Jesus was. I thought that if I died, that was simply it, that you went into the ground and you could not think and you could not move. But then one night, I had a bad dream that I was lost in the Lake of Fire and that there Satan was.
Then I woke up, and my dad took me through the Gospel. After that, I now know I’m going to Heaven because I have put my trust in Christ alone, which is all we have to do for us to go to Heaven!
Jeffrey Heselschwerdt
I am Pastor Samson from Masai Land Trans Mara South. I am ministering under Lighthouse Baptist Church, known as ILABUR. This is what the Lord did in our church. In the past 6 months, our church is now around 50.
Sometimes it would be just myself and another man only, but less than one month after our soul winning, the Lord has added to our church! He has added 9 children, 2 gentlemen, 1 male youth, and 2 female youths. Also, we have seen 4 ladies added.
I hope the church is now starting to shine its light and grow!
Thank you,
Pastor Samson
Pastor John
Trans Mara South, Lolgorian
I am excited to report that God has done a wonderful work in bringing people to our church! The construction of the church has continued on and is looking good. This past Sunday, we had around 19 members and 9 youth in church.
Thank you,
Pastor John Kirui
- This is our New Beginners’ Class held during our Sunday school hour.
- Lewis is teaching the youth after church!
- Gyan, one of our teens, is translating for me during our Thursday evening service.
- Jeffrey and Hannah are having fun as they practice some role-playing in their soul-winning class.
- Our new church sign is up!
- Pastor John’s church!
- These teens graduated from the discipleship program!
- Esther graduated from first grade!
- I am witnessing to Lavender, Gyan’s older sister.