Bob and Jacqueline Bowen Prayer Letter: We Have Dropped the Ball!“And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” (Mark 13:10)

The very God of Heaven would not command His people to do something without enabling them to get it done. God desires that every generation reach their own generation and has provided everything for us as believers to fulfill the Great Commission. When God says He wants the Word of God to be published and distributed to every nation of the world, that is exactly what He is talking about. We have dropped the ball on this part of the Great Commission. It takes this generation of believers to reach this generation of lost people in the world.

We started off the month by attending the revival meeting at Faith Baptist Church in Kilgore, Texas. What a blessing it was to attend this good supporting church!

We also attended a Baptist Leadership Conference at Parkside Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas. Dr. Mike Wells has supported BEST Missions for a long time.

Landmark Baptist Church of Evansville, Indiana, hosted a BEST Missions Regional Conference to help with the printing of a new Bible for people who have never had a copy of God’s Word. Can you imagine people with no Bible in 2024? Shame on us!

We started the month with preaching for my good friend Pastor David Jackson at the Old Country Church at Lafayette in Pittsburg, Texas. This church is over 150 years old and still in its original building. What a blessing they have been to give monthly support for BEST Missions for the printing of God’s Word.

The pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Dr. Bob Gray II, went to Thailand and preached the first International BEST Missions Conference. While he was there, the first edition of the Laotian Bible was completed and was delivered to the BEST distribution center. He presented me with a copy on his return to the States. What an honor it is to be a part of an organization that publishes the first Bible for those who do not have one.

To you who give, you have a part in providing the first Bible for people of the world who have never seen one. Thank you so much for all of your giving.

We also attended the 30th Annual Teen Convention at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Longview, Texas. We were able to meet many of our supporting pastors. It’s a blessing to see young people get excited about doing God’s will for their lives. Please pray for them, for they are the future of fundamental Baptist churches.

Into all the world,

Bob Bowen
Luke 1:37