Ben and Becky Turner Prayer Letter: He Shall Sustain Thee“Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”
(Psalm 55:22)

Time and time again, we have seen this verse become a reality, especially over the last several months. Each time a burden is cast on the Lord, He is faithful to sustain us. We would like to thank each of you who have continued to pray for my health. As of July, the brain tumor is no longer active! Praise the Lord! I am still dealing with constant nerve pain in both feet, which we believe was caused by the sarcoidosis. A recent nerve biopsy revealed that the casing of the nerve has been damaged. Please pray with us that God would give full healing in His timing.

Anchor Baptist Church is continuing to meet at two different locations. We have not been able to secure one suitable meeting place. Please pray for a miracle building in 2024. Despite meeting in two buildings, there have been first-time visitors almost every Sunday. Our Vacation Bible School in August was a tremendous blessing. There were 6 children who made professions of faith. Several of these children have grown up at Anchor, and we have been praying for them for years.

Part of our soul-winning ministry involves going to local Skytrain stations. I call it our “above-ground subway.” Usually, we get many opportunities to speak to people we do not get to going door to door. During August, Becky had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with 2 people, and they both accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. By God’s grace, there were 18 people saved and 15 people baptized in August! There was one Sunday in August where 14 people were baptized. This is the most we have ever seen baptized on one day. There were 9 Persians, 2 Nigerians, 1 Norwegian, 1 Indian, and 1 Canadian. It truly was an amazing Sunday! To God be all the glory!

The prayers and financial support of God’s people continue to enable us to minister here in the Vancouver area. We greatly appreciate your involvement in what the Lord is doing here. Please continue to pray for more labourers to surrender their lives to follow God’s will and way. We need more labourers here in this very international city.

Your friends,

Ben and Becky Turner