Tommy and Emily Ashcraft Prayer LetterTommy and Emily Ashcraft Prayer LetterWe want to thank you for the part you have in making our ministry possible.

We started June with the Family Conference in the Spanish Department of Bible Baptist Church of Victorville, California. Pastor Daniel Solorio and his people were very gracious. They were very responsive to the messages.

In the Montecito conference with Pastor Ezekiel Salazar, we were blessed to see several of our graduates, men and ladies you have helped to train and whom God is using.

Sunday, June 9, we were at home to celebrate our church’s 42nd anniversary. Pastor Jonathan asked me to preach in the evening service. It was a sweet time of fellowship with many dear people who have been there from the beginning. God continues to use this church, not only in reaching local people, but in training men and women who are serving around the world.

In the Fires of Evangelism Conference in Bartlett, Illinois, with my dear friend, Pastor Elmer Fernandez, 24 people surrendered to full-time service at the end of the Thursday evening service. Praise the Lord!

These conferences are focused on giving God’s servants and their people the Biblical tools they need to enhance their ability to reach people with the Gospel. We have workshop sessions on soul winning, Sunday school development, discipleship, leadership, children’s and youth ministries, and other practical subjects. We also take with us more than twenty books that cover many of these subjects so that pastors and workers can take with them materials that they can refer to again and again.

The Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference in Tlapa, Guerrero, was with my longtime friend, Bro. Dagoberto Bahena. Pastor Bahena was reached by the ministry of legendary missionary Ralph McCoy. This is my 16th year to preach this conference. Most of the pastors who attended this conference minister in remote mountain villages of the state of Guerrero. We believe that the training they received will enhance their ability to reach their areas with the Gospel.

We enjoy participating in our church’s soul-winning programs, as well as with the churches we visit.

The rest of our summer schedule is full. Please pray for us as we endeavor to be a help and challenge to God’s people and Christian leaders for reaching the world with the Gospel.

Yours for souls,
Tommy and Emily Ashcraft
John 9:4