Jeremy and Sandra Barker Prayer Letter: God Is So Good!I am grateful for many things this month, one of which is that Sandra and I are expecting our fifth child, with an anticipated due date of December 10. Even though we have only been back in the United States fourteen months, this will actually be the second child we’ve had born on deputation. Having four children who are four years of age and younger with another one on the way is a tremendous blessing; however, it does at times present unique challenges while traveling as much as we do, especially for Sandra, so we ask that you please pray for this precious gift of God and for Sandra during this time.

I am also grateful to announce that as of the end of June, we are at 71% of our support coming in. We wrapped up the month of June having meetings in fifteen different churches across seven different states and are so very thankful to each and every pastor who has invited us to share our ministry.

Last month, I mentioned that a Nigerian I met in the United States, who drove an hour to hear me preach, had reached out to me again to let me know he had been reunited with his wife and son (whom he had never been able to meet in person) after three years and that they are now living in Canada. I mentioned to him that my father-in-law was coming back to the United States for two weeks to attend his son Benjamin’s wedding and actually had a meeting in Canada about 50 minutes away from where he lived. Ayo attended the service at Gospel Light Baptist Church of Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, and brought his wife Hannah and son Jesse. God is still working on this family’s hearts; please continue to pray for them.

Working hard to bring fruit to your account,

Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry, & Alex Barker