The new year, with its new opportunities to reach the lost, has begun! Annie, one of the seasonal workers from Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), has kept in touch and comes to church when she can. Laura went to visit Annie on Saturday, hoping to be able to witness to some of the other workers as well. The group was about to eat, so Laura and her partner decided to leave. They met Dimitry on the way out and gave him a tract to read. We went to visit them on Monday. Praise God! Laura led five ladies to Christ: Lily, Helen, Nancy, Gladys, and Emily. A young man introduced himself to me; it was Dimitry! I asked him if he had made a decision based on the tract. Dimitry said he had read it, and he added he attended church in Vanuatu. I pressed him with the all-important question. “No” was his response. Bless God! He allowed me to show him how he could go to Heaven. This young man had been searching and praying; by the end of our conversation, Dimitry was only too glad to ask the Lord for forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.
We met several prospects during Sunday afternoon soul winning. There are young people from many countries here on a working holiday. We met a group from Canada, France, and England. They took tracts and listened for a bit. A young lady from Japan had only been in Devonport for two hours when we met her. Maiyu had never heard the Gospel before and needs more time to “process” everything. Ahmed and Louisa are Muslim and are happy to speak with us further.
The church attendance has been slowly increasing. A young man in the church is getting married next month and bringing his new bride here! One young man will be attending Bible college soon, and two others are seeking God’s will about attending Bible college as well. We are excited as we anticipate what the Lord has in store for us for the rest of 2017!
Please pray:
1. That Dimitry, Lily, Helen, Nancy, Gladys, Emily, and others would come to church, get baptized, and grow in the Lord.
2. That we will be able to reach more of the workers and others with the Gospel.
3. That Cassandra gets saved. She has recently moved much farther away from church, yet still manages to get to church with her children.
4. That my health issues get resolved ASAP. I was recently diagnosed with a moderate form of sleep apnea and am scheduled for further testing.
Thank you again for your ongoing support, especially regarding your prayers.
In the service of our Saviour and King,
Brother Andrew Steers