“And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9:29) The ever-pressing concern of impacting lives for Christ has weighed heavily on our hearts in recent weeks. We praise the Lord for answering our prayers. In one instance, an elderly man from a nearby town visited Coastline Baptist Church in response to a flyer we left in his letterbox (legal in Australia). He was already saved. Within days thereafter, my partner and I were knocking on doors in Devonport. Darren, a man in his mid-forties with some pressing health issues of his own, was glad to receive Christ when confronted with the Gospel for the very first time.
A couple of weeks ago, Laura noticed some Filipinos sitting on a bench in the downtown area. She offered them some tracts, and all four accepted them. They were workers from a merchant ship visiting the port of Devonport. As she continued to talk with them, two of the men made themselves scarce, but Eric and Ramiel were eager to hear the Gospel. Both men humbly bowed their heads and received Jesus as their Saviour right there on the sidewalk. About that time, their friends returned. Their ship was leaving within four hours, but they said there was a Christian on the ship who held a Bible study. They may be back in the area in about four months and would like to come to church if they can. They were very grateful to have their eternal destiny settled.
Please pray for us to continue to see more souls saved. Finally, we once again thank you for your support for another year. Have a blessed Christmas and New Year.
Sincerely yours in the service of the King,
Andrew Steers