“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38)
To God be the glory; great things He hath done! Praise the Lord! We ended November giving thanks to the Lord for all of the things He had done from the beginning of the Pranburi Baptist Church plant until now. It is a wonderful thing to watch God save people, see them follow Him in baptism, and watch them become part of a church to continue to learn of Him. It is doubly wonderful when it is in a place that had never before heard of Him. Thank you for praying and giving so that we can preach Jesus to those who have never heard!!
At the beginning of December, we moved to San Kampang to plant a new church for our Lord. San Kampang is in Northern Thailand. We had to hit the ground running because during the month of December, the public schools want us to come in and teach the kids about why there is a Christmas. After we tell them of the birth of Jesus Christ, we tell them why He came. It is a wonderful opportunity for thousands to hear the Gospel for the first time in their lives. Before we even unpacked, Silas and I were helping get the Gospel to the public-school children of Thailand. We joined Bro. Gallardo and Bro. Gross in this school outreach. They are missionary friends who helped us in our first church plant on the northwest side of Chiang Mai. Praise the Lord for all who trusted Christ! We are grateful for the opportunity to preach Christ to so many who have never heard.
Christmas has just passed, and we are finally starting to get settled. This has been a wonderful year in the service of our Lord, and we are grateful for all He has allowed us to do and be a part of. I often think of what it will be like when we all gather around the throne of God and all of you get to meet those for whom you prayed and gave so that they could hear of Jesus. Hallelujah, what a time that will be!
God gave us a beautiful building to begin in, and we have been out meeting the neighbors and telling them of Jesus. Oh, how I wish everyone we preached Christ to would believe and put their faith in Him! It breaks my heart. We gave the Gospel to four very elderly ladies, took the time to answer their questions, only to hear them say at the end, “This is the first time we have ever heard this, and it is shaking us to our bones. We have tried to be good and follow Buddha. We hope we will be alright, but now we are not sure.” Please pray for these four ladies. We continued down the road from them and began to talk with a mother. We asked her if we could tell her how to go to Heaven when she died. She excitedly replied yes but asked us to wait so she could go get her son because she wanted him to hear also. Sprite and his mom sat and eagerly listened to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and after some time, they both called on the Lord Jesus. We are hoping and praying—and will follow up, so that they will be in church next Sunday.
May God bless you and your work for Him there as we work for Him here! Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!
Yours for His harvest,
Andrew & Denise Long
Romans 10:14