Missions-Minded Students2021-01-07T13:09:09-06:00

Luncheon Dates

2021 Spring Semester

Dining Hall #1 at Hyles-Anderson College

January 19

February 16

March 16

April 13

Read the Latest Prayer Letters.

Juan and Amy Vallejo Prayer Letter: Abounding with Blessings!

January 11th, 2024|

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We appreciate you as you serve the Lord faithfully in your local churches! It is evident that, with the continual influx of foreigners into the USA, America has become a very needy mission field. Praise the Lord for a very Spirit-filled Soul-Winning C [...]

Adam and Karen DePaolis Prayer Letter: Furlough 2024

January 11th, 2024|

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone. Thank you for your continued support during this past year. We are truly humbled that you would count us worthy to be part of your missions family. This past year definitely has been a year of learning and growing as a family. In March, my wi [...]

Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: Capping Off a Wonderful Year of Deputation!

January 10th, 2024|

December was a special month to cap off a wonderful year of deputation. The month began with Bible Baptist Church in New Port Richey, Florida. Pastor Stidham and the church family are avid ambassadors for Christ, and we were encouraged to be with them. We loved soul winning in the sunshine. Glory! R [...]

Charlie and Kay Vest Prayer Letter: Helping Church Members Connect with Missionaries

January 10th, 2024|

We are thanking God for a blessed 2023 and another new year to serve Him. We continue to trust in the Lord and allow Him to direct our paths. I was privileged to start our church’s Missions Conference by challenging our folks at our annual banquet in the fall. The overall response has been very enco [...]

Tim and Missy Shook Prayer Letter: Public-School Christmas Programs

January 9th, 2024|

Praise the Lord for His blessings this Christmas season! Public-School Christmas Programs One of the most effective outreaches we have each year is the Christmas program we give in the public schools in our area. Nine of the local schools near our churches opened their doors to us this year. Our pro [...]

Angel and Noemi Lopez Prayer Letter: Goals for the Year

January 8th, 2024|

* * *TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias. * * * “. . . Surely I come quickly . . . .” (Revelation 22:20) We hope and pray that your ministries will abound with blessings and victories this year to the glory of God. The work in Santa Rosa has born fruit! A family [...]

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