Charlie and Kay Vest Prayer Letter: Helping Church Members Connect with MissionariesWe are thanking God for a blessed 2023 and another new year to serve Him. We continue to trust in the Lord and allow Him to direct our paths.

I was privileged to start our church’s Missions Conference by challenging our folks at our annual banquet in the fall. The overall response has been very encouraging, and we’ve seen our monthly giving increase by over 30%.

Having spent over 20 years as a missionary, a goal of mine for many years has been to help members better connect with those families they support. Recently, I was introduced to Digital Missions Display, It is a digital display that allows us to stay informed about all that is going on in the lives of our missionaries on the mission field. I was able to lead our pastor and members to invest in this eternal tool and would highly recommend it to every church that is serious about keeping informed and in touch with their missionaries.

Gospel Baptist Church and Pastor Felix just finished a wonderful year in Bacolod City in the Philippines. It is hard to believe that 20 years have passed since we built the auditorium and main dormitory. Many things are in need of repair, but the main concern is the roofing, which has rusted and needs to be patched and repainted. Please pray with us as we try to raise about $2,500 to help with this project. Also pray with us about a new mission work, which they hope to start this year.

While out soul winning a few weeks back, I encountered four Native American men talking in a front yard. They were a pretty rough-looking bunch but were friendly and listened to me as I gave them the Gospel. For the first time in my life, I heard about how and what they believe. Most have a belief in a Great Spirit and follow traditions of many centuries. I was amazed to learn that part of their worship includes going to a “sweat lodge.” (Look it up, and learn about what it is. I believe you will find it interesting.) Please pray that God will give me more opportunities to share with the thousands of Native Americans here in Oklahoma.

This past November, I had a health scare with my heart and spent a couple of days in the hospital. I had a battery of tests run, and it turned out that everything is okay. Pray that I will stay strong and healthy in this new year.

We love you and feel your love through your prayers for us. Thank you for allowing us to represent you to the many lost in Asia.

Charlie & Kay Vest