Missions-Minded Students2021-01-07T13:09:09-06:00

Luncheon Dates

2021 Spring Semester

Dining Hall #1 at Hyles-Anderson College

January 19

February 16

March 16

April 13

Read the Latest Prayer Letters.

Oral and Alicia Anderson Prayer Letter: A Special Day and Multiple Blessings!

February 3rd, 2024|

“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” -Proverbs 16:9- We planned a special day early in December and saw multiple blessings! As we planned our service, we were faced with the challenge of having an evening baptism. This was a matter of concern, since our baptisms are us [...]

Chad and Sarah Inman Prayer Letter: New Souls Reached, Saved and in Church + Land Possibility

February 3rd, 2024|

Praise the Lord for your faithfulness in service for world missions. Thank you for all of your prayers and extra Christmas blessings that have made a tremendous difference here in reaching and helping people. God has kept us healthy, in spite of consistent heavy smog, and has given the ministry many [...]

Marco and Lauretta Hannel Prayer Letter: New Arrival

February 2nd, 2024|

WELCOME BABY! We were blessed to welcome our newest member of the Hannel family, Daisy Grace, on January 8, 2024. She was 6 pounds 13 ounces and 19 inches long. Lauretta and Daisy are healthy and doing well. Pray for the transition of adding another child to the family. We thank God for allowing us [...]

Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: “What Can Your God Do for My Son?”

February 2nd, 2024|

Imagine for a moment that you are a Muslim woman caring for two children in Afghanistan. One of these children is severely handicapped. Your husband goes to the Mosque dutifully on a Friday for prayer, and that husband is blown to bits, along with several others, by an Islamic State suicide bomber. [...]

Daniel and Megan Gonzalez Prayer Letter: Excited About the New Year

February 2nd, 2024|

We are excited for the new year of 2024. Thank you to all who supported us in 2023. We look back and are thankful for all the friendships made, the lessons learned, the blessings, and so much more. We are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us this year. I was able to lead Edgar to t [...]

Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: Christmas and New Year’s Outreaches

February 1st, 2024|

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a great start to the new year. We had a busy but great Christmas celebration and a great start to our new year. Praise the Lord, my wife’s visa was successfully renewed, which included a pop-in visit from Immigration at our home on Sunday morning before the [...]

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