About Wes Palla

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So far Wes Palla has created 59 blog entries.

Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Initial Phase for Next Church Plant

By |2024-05-06T19:48:37-05:00May 10th, 2024|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , , |

We thank the Lord for your faithful prayers and support. It has been an encouraging time to minister in this part of Brazil. We have seen souls saved and families added to the church since our last prayer letter, and while the days have not [...]


Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Successful Sunday School Impact

By |2024-03-08T19:27:43-06:00March 13th, 2024|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: |

We have had an encouraging start to the year, and we are excited about what the Lord will do here in the northeast of Brazil this year. Our project list only seems to grow larger, and the laborers are certainly few. But God is doing somethi [...]

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Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: A Full Holiday Plate

By |2024-01-16T09:36:46-06:00January 18th, 2024|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , , |

I pray that all of you had a wonderful and fruitful holiday season, and I pray that the Lord’s presence and blessing will be evident in your churches and your lives this year. For us, 2023 ended on a wonderful note, and we are eager to see [...]

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Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Thankful for a Hardworking Church

By |2023-11-08T15:34:46-06:00November 9th, 2023|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , |

Over the last few months, we have been quite busy. There was our three-year church anniversary here, a four-week trip to the States to present our ministry in new churches, our big Children’s Day outreach here at our church the very day tha [...]

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Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Biblical Truth Bringing in New Families

By |2023-08-08T09:35:23-05:00August 11th, 2023|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , |

We are so grateful for your partnership with our ministry. Your prayers and financial support have contributed to souls being saved, baptized, discipled, and added to the church. In our last letter, I asked you to pray for our Vacation Bibl [...]

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Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: A Successful Fall Campaign

By |2023-07-05T13:28:10-05:00July 7th, 2023|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , |

It is a blessing to be able to greet you and share with you just a little bit about what God is doing here in Salvador, Brazil. A couple of weeks ago, we wrapped up our Fall Campaign here, and we were very encouraged by what the Lord did. W [...]

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Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: A Great Closeout to Summer

By |2023-03-30T11:54:35-05:00April 3rd, 2023|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , |

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and financial support of this ministry. It is a wonderful thing to see God working here in Salvador, Brazil. Let me get right into updating you on the work here. Transition Time As some of you alr [...]

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Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: What a Wonderful Year God Gave Us!

By |2023-02-09T09:14:00-06:00February 12th, 2023|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , |

Thank you so much for being such great partners with our family and with our ministry here. When I look back at what God did throughout the last year, I am filled with thanksgiving, and I am humbled by your investment in reaching Brazilian [...]

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Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: A Busy Spring

By |2022-12-19T10:56:30-06:00December 26th, 2022|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , |

It is good to send greetings to all of you and to thank you for all that you do to participate in this ministry. We thank God for your prayers and support of the work here. Thank you so much for praying for our Spring Campaign. We weren’t r [...]

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Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Baptisms, VBS, and Growth

By |2022-09-07T16:52:21-05:00September 10th, 2022|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , |

It has been a great two months of ministry since we last corresponded! We have baptized five more people since our last letter: a family of three, one of our men who has been with us for over a year, and our six-year-old daughter Mariella. [...]

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