“Daddy, are we going to Yilan (pronounced: ē lan)?” L___ would ask. We could relate to the feeling of being ready to move but waiting for the green light. In the meantime, the Lord was very clearly moving in our midst, among other reasons, to help us be ready for the next step. We were also able to purchase a nice, secondhand family vehicle.
While we were still living in Kaohsiung, we experienced a strong typhoon. We ended up losing electricity and full-use running water for about five days, along with our neighbors, but this actually helped bring us a bit closer to some of our neighbors. We were able to have an appointment with a neighbor across the road. His wife works at the Catholic hospital. I was able to witness to him, and he later read several chapters from John and Romans. They later came to our house for a meal with their entire family. Please pray that the Lord will continue to work in their lives.
We are thankful that the S___ family and our family were finally able to move to the Yilan area at the end of October/beginning of November. Please continue to pray for both of our families as we continue to settle in and transition to the new place. It is a blessing to be here! Please send all mail to our new address.
Shortly after moving here, I went to a nearby coffee shop to do some work and noticed a young man whom I felt should receive a Gospel tract when he left. I had actually just been reading a portion in Missionary R___ M___’s book, Starting a Church on the Mission Field, where he refers to God working quickly to bring converts to Christ and to spiritual maturity. When it seemed that the man was leaving, my son M___ gave him a tract and returned to our seat. A few moments later, this 23-year-old young man named A___ came up and asked what it was. I invited him to sit down, and I explained to him the meaning of the Gospel. Oh me of little faith! Even after just reading from Bro. M___’s book, when A___ said he believed the Gospel and wanted to put his faith in Christ, it’s almost like I wanted to say, “No, wait a second, A___! It’s supposed to take you several months to get this, like it does many of your countrymen. You aren’t supposed to get it this quickly.”
A___ has already been around us almost on a daily basis, and we always talk about the Bible. He has also completed some discipleship lessons. He has said that he would help us start a church. He had a former English teacher who was a Christian and had shared his faith. It is a joy to be a partaker in God’s harvest. Please pray that A___ would be grounded and settled in the faith and be fruitful in the things of the Lord while being kept from evil.
Please keep us in your prayers. Pray that we can have open doors of opportunities to witness for Christ and be wise with our time and the next steps to take. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Missionary #6011
These last months have involved several trips to Y___ looking for a good location, and it has been exciting to see how the Lord has directed. We first [...]
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support! We praise the Lord for the thousands of miles traveled, the new friends and prayer warriors m [...]
Thank you for the opportunity to represent you in Taiwan! Thank you for your faithful prayers and support, as well as the gifts, cards, and emails ove [...]