Missionary #60112023-09-05T11:53:12-05:00








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Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: The Lord Is Directing Our New Church Plant

Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter:  The Lord Is Directing Our New Church PlantThese last months have involved several trips to Y___ looking for a good location, and it has been exciting to see how the Lord has directed. We first went up there a few weeks after our return from furlough and were able to locate a place in what seemed like a good location, but the Lord shut that door with a landlord who thought there were too many kids, even though they had never seen us in person—the realtor was speechless. However, through that situation, God led us to a believer named M___ who had been praying for a particular church-type situation and who has a 15-year-old son who needs good spiritual guidance. Please pray that the Lord would continue to use and direct in this situation. Also, the Lord did provide a place for us to live through Jane, a lady we met and led to Christ while out visiting on a Saturday. Her friend owns a house there in Y___ area.

While passing out tracts at the park on a Saturday, I had over an hour conversation with two brothers, J___ and F___. One of them likes English, and the other one has a medical condition that has made him very concerned recently. They heard the Gospel and came to the English class and bilingual service. They seem somewhat open to the Gospel. Please pray for them.

It is still amazing the lengths that the Lord will go to in order to get the Gospel to the world! Originally, we had planned to return one week later than we did from our furlough, but because of paperwork, we needed to come back earlier. However, on the day that we would have originally returned, an older lady hit my parked scooter and spent several days in the hospital. When we finally met with her entourage and after I had witnessed to them, they told us that the lady was a Christian, knew my job, and knew of its difficulties. She didn’t want anything from us and dropped the whole matter. Her unsaved son was apparently unhappy but had to admit that this situation was from God. Pray that the Lord will continue to use this in his heart. The experienced friends I took with me said that only 1% of cases are settled this well in Taiwan. It is also a huge blessing to have this situation settled. PRAISE THE LORD!

The Family Side
We finished the previous school year a little later because of our furlough travels, but the kids did very well. This new year, we now have five kids in school, with M___ in seventh, E___ in fifth, S___ in third, C___ in second, and D___ joining the fun in kindergarten. J___ is crawling and pulling herself up already at seven months, which is one of the earliest for our family, but she has a lot of people to keep up with! L___ and J___ are keeping things lively.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support! You’re the best! Thank you for your work in your place of service! Keep up the great work!

Prayer Requests:
• The move
• Ministry wisdom
• The S___s’ move and transition
• Men to train and disciple

Believing God,

Missionary #6011

September 24th, 2024|Tags: , |



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