Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: Return to the FieldThank you so much for your faithful prayers and support!

We praise the Lord for the thousands of miles traveled, the new friends and prayer warriors met, and the new churches that have decided to partner with us! We praise the Lord for His continued provision. Thank you to each of you who gave a love offering, who provided a wonderful meal after the baby was born, who worked a nursery during our travels, or who did the many other things, both public or private, that the Lord saw.

We thank the Lord for allowing all of baby J___’s paperwork to process through very smoothly. After getting her passport back, we were able to get her Taiwanese visa and plane ticket purchased. After our return to Taiwan on May 16, we were able to get her Resident Permit done as well.

The return trip to Taiwan went very smoothly with the help of several people, namely my father and father-in- law, as well as Bro. J___ and Pastor K___ on the Taiwan side.

We were thankful to see M___ saved in the C___ L___, I___, area next to the lake. We also got to see E___ saved in B___, I___, at the playground while our kids played. My wife got to see a Taiwanese lady named C___ saved; she had heard the Gospel before but had never chosen to believe. Praise the Lord, He still saves sinners.

Thank you for the privilege of partnering with you all in Taiwan. Please pray as we transition to Yilan. Thank you again for your faithful prayers and support! You’re the best. Keep up the great work in your places of service.

Believing God,

Missionary #6011 and Family