Andrew & Laura Steers2023-10-06T14:06:23-05:00




Andrew Birthday 03/13
Laura Birthday 12/17
Andrew & Laura Wedding Anniversary 02/22

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


49 Berrigan Rd
Miandetta, TAS 7310




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Andrew and Laura Steers Prayer Letter: God’s Amazing Grace

Andrew and Laura Steers Prayer Letter: God's Amazing Grace“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Romans 5:3-5

Irrespective of the tribulations each Christian may face, Laura and I are encountering so much of God’s amazing grace through Laura’s cancer journey. He’s enabling us both to be a witness for Him during these days, including during these multiple days in hospital. Although initially admitted for heart issues, then pain management, muscle weakness is currently the main issue from not eating much. Radiation treatment is aimed at reducing much of the pain in her left hip.

The fact that Laura has a ready supply of tracts by her side is, in part, a reflection of her not losing sight of the One Who holds her hands. While in hospital, her testimony touched the life of one nurse so much (due to her own mother enduring cancer) that following the end of her shift, a bouquet of roses and a card were delivered to Laura’s hospital room, remarking in the card what an “encouragement and inspiration” Laura had been to her personally, helping to renew her faith in Christ. Not too dissimilar reactions have been echoed by friends from as far away as Australia, as well as those here in Indiana who have come for a visit, including Pastor Wilkerson of First Baptist Church of Hammond, our sending church.

Praise God, it is encouraging to hear news of some growth at Coastline Baptist Church on the field way down under in Tasmania. Beyond additions to the more obvious increase amongst the young families in church (some of them pictured here), CBC has seen more visitors, some who have ended up staying. Amen! This is all while church-wide soul winning continues unabated for those of the church who have a burden for reaching the lost with truly the greatest news of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

Meanwhile, the Lord has enabled me to remain quite active here out of First Baptist Church. For some reason, He is allowing me to pursue more challenging cases amongst the unsaved at this time. One is Cory, who is still open to the Gospel and is happy to talk about spiritual matters, but just needs continued follow-up. Kyle is in a similar situation. Another man is Johnny. He loves cars, with an obvious talent in his restoration work of older cars; but he, too, needs the Lord. Then there is Jason, who is estranged from his wife and family since his work takes him out of town regularly.

Prayer Requests

1. Pray that God’s grace and mercy continues to abound, especially in Laura, in spite of the growing health battle of her metastatic cancer. This may mean up to two weeks at a rehabilitation center.
2. Pray that God will continue to give Laura and me soul-winning opportunities, especially amongst those tending to Laura’s needs inside and outside of the hospital.
3. Pray that, even while we are here in the States on a medical furlough, Coastline Baptist Church will continue to grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
4. Pray that the Lord will enable me to have patience and wisdom to know when to win the aforementioned men to Him in His time. Each one has already been challenged with a clear presentation of the Gospel.

Thank you all for your continued support through these difficult days. Romans 8:28 still holds true. Amen! Nor can one forget to express appreciation for your ongoing support, especially in the way of your prayers, with a special thanks to Pastor Randy Love and the Grace Baptist Church family for blessing us with a recent care package.

All to the glory of God, and our wondrous Saviour,

Bro. Andrew L. Steers

August 15th, 2024|Tags: , |



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