Gregg & Angela Schoof2024-02-09T12:12:30-06:00




Gregg Birthday 10/12
Angela Birthday 08/21
Gregg & Angela Wedding Anniversary10/09
Caleb Birthday 07/15
Hannah Birthday 10/19
Timothy Birthday 04/07
Virginia Birthday 04/18
Micah Birthday 10/24
Zachery Birthday 05/17

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


(219) 230-9588
(219) 895-1145
PO Box 34751

Kampala, Uganda EAST Africa

BP 4283 KLG
Kigali, Rwanda
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #56.


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Gregg and Angela Schoof Prayer Letter: Bible-Memory Program

Gregg and Angela Schoof Prayer Letter: Bible-Memory ProgramWell, it is so nice to be back in the States until mid-October, back where the driving is so much calmer. In Uganda, crazy motorcycle drivers would scrape my truck nearly every week as they went weaving around traffic!

I am so happy to say that I just hired Pastor Innocent before we left Uganda. He is from my church in Rwanda and really has a great spirit. He will be a temporary pastor for Kitendi Baptist Church while we are in the States and until the church gets organized better. He is a good soul winner and has been consistently bringing visitors.

He is also continuing to do Bible memorization with the church. I am still preparing each month’s verses, and he prints them out and does the six-minute Bible time each service. So far, we have been doing this for almost two years. It is so effective that even seven-year-old kids can easily quote 50 Bible verses now.

I just recently uploaded the program to my website at I want to encourage all pastors to please, please, please take a look at the program. It is a very effective tool for the entire church to memorize the Bible. We started the program in July, and it is also a great time for your church to begin if you choose to use the program.

The website is only a side ministry, because I am still focused on starting radio stations, starting new churches, and training pastors. But I believe that within 10 years, this website will be a huge blessing to local national pastors around the world. It is loaded with basic things that all pastors need. I also host The Answer Book from Keith Piper. That book has around 1,500 pages of great sermons and doctrinal notes.

The radio station in Burundi is doing well. People are getting saved, and many are visiting the church every week. But there are still many technical things to fix. I am now trying to get them a telephone so people can call in to the radio station. I had to special order a phone link that uses a SIM card but connects to an old-time telephone line.

Here in the States, it has been so good to see family again, and we were able to watch our first daughter Hannah graduate from Hyles-Anderson College. I am also thankful for Angela’s father, Bro. Warren Storm, who does the Keep the Buses Rolling ministry. He really helped us get our motor home fixed and back on the road so we can travel. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

In His service,

Gregg, Angela, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof

June 20th, 2024|Tags: , |



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