(414) 897-4623 | |
P.O. Box 908 Donna, TX 78537 |
5974-1 Retinto Golondrino Colonia-Paseos del Sol Zapopan, Jalisco 45079 |
chris.sage@fbmi.org |
Thank you for your faithful and generous investment in our church planting in Mexico. Your support and prayers have made what the Lord is doing possible. It is our honor to present a special project to you.
“The harvest truly is plenteous.” It has been amazing to see the Lord work in the new church plants here in Mexico! He has given my wife and me teams of workers for these new church plants. Our ministry is primarily soul winning, visiting, and discipling 6 days a week 6-7 hours per day. Instead of a pastor working all alone, we are able to accelerate these new church plants. In a 9-week campaign in the summer of 2023, the Lord gave us over 600 saved and 150 first-time visitors. In the fall of 2023 in an 8-week endeavor with just a few workers, the Lord gave us 18 new families that visited a new church plant in a very remote area. In the summer of 2024, the Lord gave us 1,150 saved and 214 first-time visitors in a 9-week campaign, and in just 5 weeks with just a few workers, He has given us over 49 first-time visitors where we are currently laboring. Many of these who have been saved and discipled are growing in grace and following the Lord faithfully.
Much more could be accomplished for His glory if we had a full-time, well-diversified team of workers with us year-round. There is no lack of workers here in Mexico. He is already putting together such a team for June 2025 to May of 2026. By the grace of God, we will help 5 new churches to get started with a schedule of 8- to 9-week intensive evangelistic campaigns of soul winning, visits, and discipleships.
Such an enterprise requires many resources. The promise of much fruit is enormous if we have the finances. What we still need more than anything else is your prayers. This video link to our webpage (https://fbmi.org/mpg/sage) will show you where you can find more information. Would you please prayerfully consider partnering with us and Dr. Luis Ramos as we help New Testament churches get started here in Mexico?
Sincerely yours for souls,
Chris and Viry Sage
Missionaries to Mexico
* * *TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias. * * * Thank you so much for your prayers over the past two months. It i [...]
* * *TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias. * * * God has done some wonderful things in the past two months. We are [...]
* * *TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias. * * * Thank you very much for praying for the summer evangelistic campa [...]