Darrell & Buffy Ratcliff2023-10-06T13:29:00-05:00




Darrell Birthday 09/05
Buffy Birthday 12/05
Darrell & Buffy
Wedding Anniversary 06/22
Michael Birthday 09/15

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711

Click here to view our ministry Facebook page.


444 827 3310
1113 Craig Creek Road
Blacksburg, VA 24060
P.O. Box 908, Donna, TX  78537




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #94.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Darrell and Buffy Ratcliff Prayer Letter: Thrilling Start to Our Summer Evangelistic Campaign!

Darrell and Buffy Ratcliff Prayer Letter:  Thrilling Start to Our Summer Evangelistic Campaign!Praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve the Lord for over 19 years on the mission field! We have had great victories, challenges, and also difficult circumstances; that’s why we are so thankful for all you do through your love, prayers, and support to help us reach precious souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. We appreciate so very much everything you have done for us and our ministry. Thank you for making a difference.

There is so much I could share, but let me give you a few soul-winning testimonies. In Saltillo, we were able to help a young church have an evangelistic campaign, with about 130 people in attendance one Saturday afternoon and the majority of them receiving Christ as their Saviour. On Sunday morning, they had 8 people baptized in their service. In Monterrey, we were able to help a church preach the Gospel to about 200 people, with about 160 trusting Christ as their Saviour, and 15 people followed the Lord in believer’s baptism. Later, we able to preach in two migrant camps. We brought food and water to give out, as well as clothes, toys, tracts, and other items. In total, we were able to preach to about 800 precious souls, with the majority of them trusting Christ as their Saviour.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to pray, as we are just getting started with this summer’s campaign. The Lord is blessing in an amazing way. So far, we and the evangelistic team have been able to help three churches in Jiutepec, near Cuernavaca, in Morelos, Mexico. Every day, we have been doing something to reach others for Christ. We are preaching the Gospel through personal soul winning, open-air meetings in parks and outdoor sports centers, on public transportation (buses), outside hospitals, in addiction help centers, and, of course, in the churches for Big Days. One smaller mission church had a Big Day in their midweek service on Thursday, and 110 people attended the service. There are so many more details and stories I could share with you about people being saved and lives being changed; but, praise the Lord, so far on this summer evangelistic trip, we have seen around 1,539 people saved and 87 people baptized.

We are so excited to share with the churches about our website, PredicaACristo.com, that has so much material for the furtherance of the Gospel. Please pray that God would continue to use this material to help teach and train others to see even more people reached for the glory of Christ.

Please also pray for our upcoming evangelistic campaigns and projects to take the Gospel to the lost. I believe that we can see a greater harvest of souls for the Lord Jesus Christ as God’s people continue to fervently pray for this ministry. Please pray for the overall health of my family and for God’s power, provision, and protection in our lives. We are so thankful for all you do to help us reach others for the Lord.

Yours for souls,

Darrell Ratcliff
Philippians 4:13

June 18th, 2024|Tags: , |



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