Team Ghana Update: Medical Mission Planned

By |2023-04-10T13:58:18-05:00April 16th, 2023|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

Medical Missions In November of last year, we were privileged to have Missionary Brandon Heselschwerdt visit with us for a few days. He serves with FBMI Team East Africa in Kenya. He took the opportunity to see our ministry after participat [...]

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Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: “The Whole Family Is Now with Us”

By |2023-04-10T09:56:35-05:00April 11th, 2023|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , , |

Your support for missions is being multiplied here in West Africa. Men have been trained and sent out to reach others for Christ. Please pray for these men, their ministries, and their families. Pastor Rexford Aning “I mentioned in one of m [...]

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Team Ghana National Pastor Update: Please Pray for These Pastors and Their Converts

By |2023-07-04T11:26:51-05:00March 8th, 2023|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|

Please pray for these men, their families, and their ministries as you read their testimonies. Pastor Otchere Boachie “Brother Thomas and Brother Francior did a great job when I traveled to help Pastor Christian establish a new church at S [...]

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Team Ghana Update: Moving Forward

By |2023-03-03T16:02:19-06:00March 3rd, 2023|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

My family and I are glad to be back in Ghana. When planning our trip, I was uncertain about what our furlough would be like during the coldest time of the year. However, God and our family and friends were so good to us; our trip was both [...]

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Team Ghana Update: A New Church Plant in the Volta Region

By |2023-07-04T11:27:50-05:00January 30th, 2023|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

In our June 2022 update, we wrote about a survey trip that some of our pastors made to the town of Sogakope, with the hopes of starting a church there. This town is eight hours away in the Volta Region. The response of the people was great, [...]

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Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: The Truth Has Brought Freedom

By |2023-01-19T11:07:40-06:00January 23rd, 2023|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

Please partner with these pastors in prayer. Pastor Kingsley Addai “Mrs. Janet Agyei and her children were reached for Christ a few years ago. She has been asking prayers for her husband, Mr. Ata Agyei, to come to church. This month, Mr. Ag [...]

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Team Ghana National Pastor Update: Reaching Out in Various Ways

By |2023-07-04T11:28:48-05:00December 12th, 2022|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

The work continues! Here are more testimonies from several of our national pastors. Pastor Collins Agyei “I thank God for the preaching of the Gospel. This month was a blessing to our church. The Gospel was preached to 3 different villages [...]

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Team Ghana Update: Eight Graduates

By |2022-12-08T10:30:24-06:00December 7th, 2022|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

Our family is now in the States for a two-month furlough. Please pray that God will use us as we travel. On the Wednesday evening before we left Ghana, we held a combined graduation service for our Bible college, HYLES-ANDERSON COLLEGE OF W [...]

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Team Ghana Update: A Daughter Church’s 10th Anniversary

By |2022-11-01T18:41:15-05:00October 31st, 2022|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , , |

Brother Rexford Aning pastors the Fundamental Baptist Church of Fiapre in Sunyani, Ghana. I had the privilege of performing the marriage of Brother Rexford and his wife Deborah in March 2012. God has blessed them with four children: Daniel, [...]

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Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: “We Need You to Pray for Our Country”

By |2022-11-01T18:41:47-05:00October 28th, 2022|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

Please pray for God to give great wisdom to Bible-believing, soul-winning pastors such as the ones below. Pastor Otchere Boachie “A few weeks ago, I preached the Gospel to Serwaa, and she trusted Christ. She promised to come to church, and [...]

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