Ricardo Leyva Family

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Evangelizing in Cuba

2017-04-11T21:37:22-05:00April 13th, 2017|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: , |

In February, I wanted to travel to Moa, a small city on the far eastern side of Cuba, for an evangelistic crusade; but my contacts there in Moa and in Baracoa advised me to wait because the roads were completely destroyed by the hurricane t [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Update on My Family

2017-02-02T16:38:45-06:00February 3rd, 2017|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: |

The year 2016 was a great year in our ministry! I updated you six times on that, but it has been over a year now since I gave an update on my family. MY WIFE MARIA! She has done a good job of keeping her diabetes in check with diet, pills, [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Almost Thou Persuadest Me to Be a Christian

2016-11-02T09:55:26-05:00October 10th, 2016|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: , |

Picking up where I left off from my last letter, on August 1, one of my preacher boys and I traveled to the small city of Moa, which is in a remote area in the most eastern part of Cuba. It may be the poorest city I've ever been to in Cuba. [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Missions in the Middle of Nowhere

2017-02-02T14:43:06-06:00August 14th, 2016|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: |

This letter will get to you very late in the month, and the reason is that I was in the middle of nowhere in a remote area in Cuba. I did not have access to a computer nor an internet connection. I came back to civilization on August 10, an [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: I’ll See You Again!

2016-11-15T10:11:52-06:00June 11th, 2016|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: |

In late March we received an appointment letter for my wife to renew her green card. The appointment was scheduled in Chicago on April 8, 2016. Not knowing how long it would take for her to accomplish this, we just bought a one-way ticket t [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Put a Smile on Your Face!

2017-02-02T14:43:10-06:00April 17th, 2016|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: |

Last year I received an email from a Cuban pastor, inviting me to visit his church in the province of Holguin. Last year I visited his church, which is up in the mountains, where I met him and his church. This past month I visited him again [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Quick Visit to the States

2016-02-08T15:57:42-06:00February 10th, 2016|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: , |

December was a very busy month—church work, Bible institute, Christmas with the family, and end-of-the-year activities with the brethren in Christ. Christmas is not celebrated much in Cuba, but New Year’s Eve is a very big event for Cubans. [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Another Year Is at an End

2015-12-08T13:04:55-06:00December 10th, 2015|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: , , |

It is December now! Another wonderful year in the Lord’s service is coming to an end, but a new one will be starting right away. For Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending (Revelation 1:8). Every year we bring to Cuba a [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Family Update

2015-10-07T21:44:04-05:00October 10th, 2015|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: , |

FAMILY UPDATE It has been over a year now since I gave you an update on my family (my wife, our two children, and me). WIFE My wife’s health: She keeps her diabetes under control with diet, exercise (walking), and taking pills. Last June sh [...]

Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Visiting a Church in Rural Cuba

2017-02-02T14:43:27-06:00August 9th, 2015|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: , , |

The months of June and July were busy months. What kept me busy? Soul winning kept me busy. I personally led 12 people to the Lord! I also visited prospects daily, went to the Bible institute at the church in Camaguey, traveled across Cuba [...]

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