About Abraham Avila (Edit profile)

Read my prayer letters below, or visit my page.

Abraham Avila Prayer Letter: Ruby Led Señora Rosa to the Lord

2017-02-02T14:43:33-06:00March 15th, 2015|Categories: Abraham Avila Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Ruby led Señora Rosa to the Lord. It started out as a normal Saturday soul-winning meeting. The kiddos from the area were all lined up and ready to walk into the church to have our “snack time” with the pastor. We all walked in, sat down, a [...]

Abraham Avila Prayer Letter: He Wanted to Hear the Rest of the Story

2020-04-30T13:26:10-05:00December 4th, 2014|Categories: Abraham Avila Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

He wanted to hear the rest of the story. We decided to go a different route this Saturday as we walked out of the church to go soul winning. We headed up the mountain and soon came upon a little market. We saw a group of people in a circle [...]

Abraham Avila Prayer Letter: Can I Bring My Mom?

2017-02-02T14:43:46-06:00November 27th, 2014|Categories: Abraham Avila Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

Can I bring my mom? We started promoting a big six-week program in San Gabriel, with Goldfish Sunday being the first promotion. It was really cute seeing the people’s faces as we walked around with Goldfish Sunday flyers. They had no idea w [...]

Abraham Avila Prayer Letter: A Few More to Go

2017-02-02T14:43:48-06:00September 16th, 2014|Categories: Abraham Avila Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

A few more to go . . . My family and I have been helping out in the church started by Bro. Foust and his family in San Gabriel. We specifically started helping out in the Children’s Ministry. My family and I began teaching the children ther [...]

Abraham Avila Prayer Letter: Thank You for Taking the Time to Talk to Me

2017-02-02T14:43:51-06:00June 26th, 2014|Categories: Abraham Avila Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I was making a quick errand to the grocery store the other day and spotted a beautiful car in the parking lot, a 1965 Plymouth Barracuda. I remembered seeing a similar car the first year I was he [...]

Abraham Avila Prayer Letter: Appreciation for Their Salvation

2017-02-02T14:43:53-06:00May 2nd, 2014|Categories: Abraham Avila Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

Dear Pastor and Praying Friends, Appreciation for Their Salvation My children have gone soul winning with my wife and me since they were infants. I remember the weird looks we were given many a time when we knocked on doors with our childre [...]

Avila Family Prayer Letter: Something Was Missing From His Life

2017-02-02T14:44:05-06:00February 15th, 2014|Categories: Abraham Avila Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

Dear Praying Friends, Something was missing from his life. I was soul wining with my family one Saturday and happened to find an elderly man sitting on a park bench, soaking in the sun while his dog sat in his shadow. Quickly my children ra [...]

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