What’s New?
This has been our first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s on the mission field and away from our loved ones. Celebrating here has been different, but we have seen God provide and bless in new ways. Kellie has learned new skills in cooking and in surviving daily life on the mission field. Our language studies ended after New Year’s, and we are grateful God provided this opportunity to learn some of the language before we move here permanently.
We have been immersing ourselves in as many different ministries as possible. Kellie and I took turns visiting all of the Bible Clubs and Public School Ministries. This opportunity to serve during the Wyatts’ furlough has been an awesome chance to get plugged into Faith Baptist Church and see what God would have us do!
Blessings and Answers to Prayer
In the last two months, the church has seen over 115 new visitors and 116 souls saved! Our music library at the radio station is finally organized, with over 11,000 good Christian songs at our disposal. For the past 5 months, I have been filming update videos for the Imani Feeding Center. I have throughly enjoyed getting to visit there every month and learn more about the children reached through this ministry. If you would like to see them, they can be viewed at vimeo.com on the Morrow Tanzania Channel. One Saturday in November, Kellie attended the Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast, and afterwards they asked me to come over too. I was surprised when they presented us with some nice material, and one of the women had written a letter saying how happy they were that we came to Tanzania. Our church members do an incredible job welcoming guests. The second Sunday of December, my father, grandmother, and good friend Alpha all surprised us at church! The following week was spent fellowshipping and touring the ministries here in Morogoro. The weekend before they left, Kellie and my grandmother brought homemade chocolate chip cookies to one of our Bible Clubs. She was surprised when the kids didn’t immediately eat them, as they wanted to bring them home to show their families.
The Sunday before Christmas, we had a special promotion with an upgrade to the afternoon meal. We served rice, beans, salad, chicken, and ice cream and had a great day! On Christmas Day, we had a service at the church, with 175 in attendance! What a great way to spend Christmas, worshiping together at church! After the service, Kellie and I went to each staff member’s house and delivered some small presents. The men each received a new machete with their name engraved on it, and the ladies received some material. The following Sunday, several of the women were wearing clothes made from what we had given them. On New Year’s Eve from 8 p.m. – 12 p.m., we welcomed in the New Year at church with preaching, food, and videos, looking back on what God had done in 2018. We know He has great things in store for 2019 as we continue to reach the lost for the cause of Christ.
January will be our last month in Tanzania before we return to the States. Please continue to pray for Faith Baptist Church to continue to grow and also for our 2019 schedule to fill. We know we have a big God Who can meet all our needs and more! Thank you for your eternal investment in reaching the world with the Gospel.
Your fellow laborers in Christ,
Montana and Kellie Morrow