“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)
While it is “summer” all the year here, I clearly remember harvest time in America and the reward God brings to the laboring farmer. I also am enjoying watching God bless a “harvest” of spiritual investment.
On October 9, my son Micah and his wife Abbie (serving in Ghana) welcomed the arrival of their first child, AnnaBeth. They are all doing well as they serve the Lord in Kumasi. As a side note, we recently had a visitor in our church from Kumasi, Ghana, whom we baptized. I love to watch God work!
On October 13, my son Amos was ordained by Second Baptist Church in Palermo, Maine. Pastor Barnes was kind to allow me to participate via a recorded message and to arrange for me to watch the service on Skype. Amos will be planting a church in a nearby town in early 2018. Dr. Mark Bachman preached a great charge to Amos, and I am very proud as Amos continues to be faithful to the standards and principles he was taught in our home. Amen!
It was a blessing for me to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my daughter Ruth and her family in Dapitan, Mindanao. The Morriseys started Truth Baptist Church in August, and they are off to a great start. I was able to preach to this young congregation of new believers during my visit. During the midweek service, they had 7 visitors and saw 2 baptized.
The work in our Bible college and church continues apace, with records of 5,922 saved and 254 baptized to the end of November. I have enjoyed teaching classes on child rearing, personal biblical standards, and counseling. The number of church members coming to our Saturday soul winning has been increasing, and it is a joy to help them learn how to present the Gospel door to door. Recently one of our older teen girls led her first soul to Christ on her own, and she was excited! I never want to get used to being in a place where every time we go out to share the Gospel we see people put their trust in Christ alone for their salvation.
Thank you for praying about my visa extension. My visa has been extended for another year. Also, I was able to order a “new” remanufactured vehicle in early October, but I will have to wait until about February to drive it! We have to wait three months after the vehicle arrives for the government to produce the paperwork, allowing it to be registered and insured (legal to drive). The vehicle will allow me to transport people for school, church events, and soul winning much more easily.
May the Lord give you all a great Christmas and a New Year full of our Lord’s richest blessings. Maybe 2018 will be the year the Lord will return for us, so let us be busy about our Father’s business!
Serving the Lord with gladness,
Scott Christiansen

Guest-preaching on Thanksgiving Eve at Truth Baptist Church in Dapitan, Mindanao