Andrew and Denise Long Prayer Letter: The Time Has Come to Plant Another Church“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38)

To God be the glory; great things He hath done! The church in Pranburi is steadily progressing, and the believers are growing in the Lord. There is hardly a week that passes without a visitor, praise the Lord! Thank the Lord for the part the Lord allowed us to play in the planting of the church here in Pranburi. We have been here for a year and a half, and the time has come for us to go out and plant another work for our Lord. The Painter family will continue the work here in Pranburi. We have enjoyed being here; the people are very special. We are planning to go out by the end of the year. There is an entire country here without Christ, and the labourers are few. Please keep us in your prayers!

My wife’s health has improved, praise the Lord!! Outside of the side effects of the chemotherapy pill she takes every day, she is doing well. The surgery she had on her back has brought much-needed relief. I know she will miss the seaside and the peacocks that frequent our house here—those who know my wife well know that she loves peacocks. I think this transition will be harder for her than for me. She assures me she will be fine, and we both know and are assured that this is what God would have us do. We thank the Lord for the joys and blessings He has allowed in our lives during our time here.

God gave us a surprise! Silas, my interpreter and faithful helper in the Lord, has an ever-increasing burden to win his family and former friends to Christ. The gravity of Heaven and Hell has really impacted him in the last few weeks. He has been making phone calls and taking trips to share the Gospel with them. We took a trip to Bangkok and decided to stop in and see his adopted sister while we were there. She had trusted Christ on a previous trip when he and my son Titus had shared the Gospel with her. To our surprise, his adopted parents were visiting her at the time. These are the adopted parents who raised him a good portion of his life. He is closer to them than his biological family. Praise the Lord, we were able to share the Gospel with them, and both his mother and father trusted Christ as their Saviour. Tears of great joy and happiness began to flow as hugs were exchanged. When we left and headed back to the train, Silas was bouncing and shouting, “Praise the Lord!” all the way. Please keep us in your prayers concerning getting the Gospel to all of his family and former friends.

May God bless you and your work for Him there as we work for Him here! Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!

Yours for His harvest,

Andrew & Denise Long
Romans 10:14