Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: God's Plan Is All We WantWe are thrilled to announce that God has answered our prayers and blessed us with a second child—a baby boy! This news came as a wonderful surprise, and we can’t wait to welcome him next spring. However, in August, we noticed some warning signs with the pregnancy. After a hospital visit, we were relieved to learn that our little boy is growing well, but there are still some complications. Rachel has been advised to rest and stay stationary until the baby is born. This welcome gift from God has led us to revise many of our well-laid plans, but we know that God’s plan is all we want. At the end of the day, we must simply trust Him.

Plans for the Fall of 2024 and Our Move to the UK

Regarding our plans for the fall, Rachel and Ruby will stay with her family in Montana while I continue to travel and attend meetings. We have also adjusted our departure from January to April to accommodate our baby’s arrival and allow time for the necessary immigration paperwork. Our estimated date of departure is now April 10, 2025. We will move our already purchased plane tickets to that date soon.

August Recap

During this time of adapting for our little one, God gave us a wonderful month, with four meetings in three different states (see pictures attached). Each church was so sensitive to our needs, and we are grateful for the level of patience and care that has been shown to our family. God is good! We also took a week to celebrate the wedding of Jeremy (my youngest brother) and Ashley Solt in Woburn, Massachusetts. Our hearts were blessed to witness this sweet union, and we are excited to see what their future holds in their ministry endeavors.

Soul Report

Throughout the month of August, we witnessed to six souls, with one accepting Christ. While out soul winning with Pastor Tim DeVries in Louisville, Kentucky, I stopped a man named David, who was walking his dog through a trailer park. Immediately, I could sense an eagerness in him to hear the Gospel, and opening my New Testament, I began telling him the “Old Story.” Halfway through, he shared with me that he had prayed the night prior for the Lord to send help. Hallelujah! A short time later, he prayed and accepted God’s gift.

Family Update

Thank you for your many communications in prayer and financial support! Our family is in good spirits, but we earnestly desire your sincere prayers in the months ahead. We praise God that our support has reach 89%, with five more churches recently committing to partnering with us. It’s an honor to represent you in the harvest wherever we are!

Ruby’s Adventures

While Daddy has been traveling, Ruby has been going through a stage of demonstrating her engineering skills. Towers of DUPLOs and MAGNA-TILES are being built. Children are amazing!

Prayer Requests

  1. For opportunities to present the Gospel
  2. For Rachel and Baby Solt’s health
  3. For Rachel’s Visa Application
  4. For safety as I travel solo
  5. Baby Solt’s paperwork to arrive promptly after he is born

For His glory,

Daniel, Rachel, Ruby, and Baby Solt