Caleb and Abby Amoros Prayer Letter: Busy Fall ScheduleWe have once more experienced the Lord’s guiding and helping us these last two months, as we have continued in the work and ministry to which He has called us. We are blessed to see how God keeps growing our financial support, as well as our influence in Latin America, for the Gospel’s sake.


We had the privilege to be with Central Baptist Church in Jefferson City, Missouri, for their Missions Conference. The Lord gave us a tremendous time with this sweet church family. It was incredibly special to have a part of their conference, as they have been supporting my parents on the mission field for 20-plus years. This was also our first meeting as a family of four! We are looking forward to our filled-up calendar on deputation this fall.

Missionary Evangelistic Work

I had the tremendous opportunity to preach for the Youth Camp that I attended while growing up in the Dominican Republic. The Holy Spirit was working on the hearts of the young people through the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We had the joy to see 3 young people accept Christ as their Saviour and over 20 teenagers consecrate their lives to the Lord. Several young men testified how the Holy Spirit has been working on their hearts and calling them to ministry. What a blessing it was to see an answer to the prayer of many saints, for the Lord to call laborers to His harvest!

Last year, during a revival conference that our ministry had the opportunity to host, a young man approached me after one of the services and shared how God had been working on him about the calling to full-time evangelism, but he was not sure what steps to take or what training he could receive. Praise the Lord for divine appointments! In a few weeks, we will have the joy to host an evangelistic outreach alongside this young man and his pastor in their local church.

Prayer Requests

1. Protection on the road, as we have a busy deputation trail this fall
2. God’s provision for the remaining $5,800 to host our next two crusades
3. Wisdom as we host more crusades and evangelistic projects in Latin America
4. Open doors to partner with missionaries to train evangelists in Latin America

Yours for souls,

Caleb Amoros
Missionary Evangelist