Warren and Jary Lynn Storm Prayer Letter:  God Is So Good!Our Great Physician

Since our last prayer letter, I have had open-heart bypass surgery and neck surgery for a carotid artery. I was having high blood pressure and shortness of breath, which caused me to get it checked out. Our wonderful God guided the doctors’ hands, and He brought me to good health again. There was no stroke or heart attack, for which we are thanking Him! God is so GOOD! We are so very thankful for all of your prayers, cards, and thoughtful remembrances! The Lord willing, we will be back out on the road in September after the cardio rehab is completed.

Jesus Saves

We have been able to give our “Smiley Face” tract, along with our FBC “This Could Change Your Life” tract to doctors and nurses and everyone we met. Nurse Hannah trusted Jesus as her personal Saviour when she heard the good news that Jesus died and rose again for her. It was her last day to work there. That was God’s perfect divine appointment!

Neighbors Trust Christ

While inviting our neighbors to our Easter service, my wife gave the Gospel to Lorena, who lives across the street from us, and she sweetly trusted Jesus as her Saviour. She said her boyfriend Omar and she would come to church for our Easter service. They came the next day, and both of them asked Jesus into their hearts and lives. For Friend Day, we invited our new neighbor Kaylyn and her fiancée to come. We were able to share the Gospel with her, and she bowed her head and received Jesus as her Saviour.

Buses Repaired

In May, we made a trip to Michigan and helped the Berean Baptist Church in Adrian, Michigan, fix two buses. At Lewis Avenue Baptist Church in Temperance, Michigan, we worked with their mechanics on four buses and put two back on the road that had not been running. A church in northern Indiana had a bus that had been out of commission for a few years. The pastor wanted to give it to a church needing a bus, so with God’s help, we were able to get it back on the road for the other church. Several church-bus mechanics have called for help on their buses. With the video chat, we have been able to help them fix their buses over the phone. We thank the Lord for modern technology!

Prayer Requests

(1) Pray that more churches will start or increase their bus ministries to reach the ones who cannot get to church any other way. (2) Pray that we can reach many more souls for Christ before He comes back for His people. (3) Pray for more church-bus mechanics to step up and help more churches with their buses. (4) Pray that we can serve the churches for many more years to come.

We cherish your prayers, and we are so thankful for your partnership with us in the bus ministries!

Yours for souls,

Warren & Jary Lynn Storm