Charles and Lindsey Osgood Prayer Letter: Preaching the GospelThank you for your prayers and financial support!

Converts / Disciples

In June, a young man named Prince came to visit our church. He was very discouraged and depressed. I was able to witness to him the following day, and he gladly trusted Christ as his Saviour! On July 7, he followed the Lord in baptism! He has started our church’s discipleship curriculum. Please pray for Prince to grow as a Christian.

In June and July, I was able to lead 19 university students to Christ, and 2 of those I led to Christ came to church. In June, a young man named Emmanuel, who recently graduated from the university where we go soul winning, started going soul winning with me. He is eager to learn how to win souls! He has brought some visitors to church already. Please pray for Emmanuel to become an effective, zealous soul winner.

School Preaching

On July 3, we concluded several weeks of preaching at the Breman Experimental School. We preached for several weeks in the junior high and then for several weeks in the primary classes. Three of our men preached to the primary students in their local language. Many students professed faith in Christ! Please pray for these students to be established in the faith.

17th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference

Please be in prayer for our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference taking place August 13-16. Our theme this year is “Developing Leaders.” We have several hundred people planning to come from all over Ghana and other countries in West Africa. Pray that God will use this conference to help us to be more effective and productive servants for Him!


In July, I took Lindsey and Josiah back to the States so that Lindsey can give birth there. She is due at the end of August. We are very excited! Please pray for her delivery to go well. I have returned to Ghana to be a part of our conference, and I plan to return to the States on August 16. We will be in the States through the beginning of November. I have meetings scheduled in Minnesota and Michigan. Please pray that God will use us to be a blessing to many while we are in the States.

In Christ,

Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood