Elias and Robyn Correa Prayer Letter: Praising God For . . . • So far in 2024, we have shipped over 10 million Scriptures in 18 languages to 13 countries around the world!
• Praise the Lord for the fruit that remains from our June trip to Gabon! See our pictorial report below.
• Pray for the release of the container in Nigeria.
• Pray for our upcoming Christ 4 Colombia trip, August 26–September 3.
• Pray for our upcoming Christ 4 Corpus Christi trip, November 18–25.

Praise God for:

• 14 team members / 21,000 Scriptures distributed
• 54 visitors received Bibles / 22 professions of faith

Parfait, which means “perfect” in French, became perfect in Christ on Friday night after responding to the Gospel message preached by Pastor John Doss. He is pictured with Pastor Doss (above right) at the Teen Rally on Saturday. He also came back for the Sunday services.

Over 20 young visitors received New Testaments at the Teen Rally, and over 30 adult visitors received Bibles at the evangelistic services. The church had a new record attendance of 117 on Saturday night. Souls were saved in every service!

Elias & Robyn Correa