Charlie and Kay Vest Prayer Letter:  Praising God for Watching over UsWe are praising the Lord for His watch care over and His provisions for our missionary efforts this past quarter. God provided the funds for us to finish two houses for our Filipino pastors in pioneering works. Both are adjacent to their churches and provide them a home as they minister to their people.

We were also able to help a Burmese national pastor replace his motorcycle that was stolen. Along with this tremendous burden, Pastor Thang faced having to leave his home and church because he was unable to pay his annual rent. We challenged his people to make tremendous sacrifices to help raise what was needed. When they had exhausted all hope and gave what they could, the Lord sent me the additional amount necessary to meet the need. Please pray for our Burmese pastors, who are under tremendous persecution at this time.

My health has been a challenge these past couple of months. I spent a night in ICU Memorial Day weekend with a very low heartbeat. After wearing a heart monitor for a month, it appears I have bradycardia. Right now, it is stabilized with medication, but there may be a need for a pacemaker in the future. Pray that God will keep me strong as we take on a couple of new projects.

We have a tremendous opportunity to help a Filipino pastor and dear friend reach one of the eight indigenous Mangyan tribes that are situated on the island of Mindoro. These are ethnic groups with a combined total population of about 280,000. Our vision is to buy land for a campground and Bible college near a church that has been established there in the mountains. There is much training that needs to be provided, along with the translation of discipleship materials. We are praying for $10,000 -$15,000 to build this mission station to reach these needy people.

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. We cherish the opportunity to partner with you to reach Asia.

Charlie & Kay Vest