Osmin and Eva Gutierrez Prayer Letter: People Need the Lord!I pray this letter finds you well. People need the Lord! Sometimes we forget, but that is the reason we are here and one of the reasons you support us. Last Sunday as I got to church, I saw a man named Gregorio waiting outside the church. Gregorio comes to our church from time to time. Gregorio rides a bus for about an hour and a half each way to get to church. He spends $10 on a bus (that is about a day’s wage for many people in Honduras). I am sure glad Gregorio understands his need of the Lord by spending a significant percentage of his day getting to and from church.

A couple of Sundays ago while out soul winning, I led a guy named Hector and his two daughters (ages 9 and 12) to the Lord. Hector’s wife had died a month before. It was exciting to see the girls’ eyes light up as I told them about Heaven. I imagine their hearts were full of hope to see their mom again. I am glad I went out soul winning that day, because people like Hector and his daughters truly need the Lord!

We finished our school year; we used a homeschooling method. We are still trying to get the government’s permission to operate as a regular school, which would allow us to recruit more students and grow this ministry. Unfortunately, the Department of Education is taking its time. This process has given me a renewed disdain for the word bureaucracy—but God is in control! Please pray that we get the school license quickly and that God will send somebody to help with this ministry. If you are looking for a place to serve, please contact me by email at osmin.gutierrez@fbmi.org.

Our family is doing well. I am thankful that Eva and I just celebrated 26 years of marriage on August 1! This year, our oldest son Juan will be working on his master’s degree; he eventually wants to come back to Honduras. Gerson will be finishing his music degree, and Timothy (sophomore) will be studying missions. Please help us pray that they will each find a good wife.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.


Osmin Gutierrez