I praise the Lord for your interest and your financial investment in our ministry. Thank you for your faithful liberality and prayers.
Theresa and I continue to witness for our Saviour in Ft. Meyers as we wait for the affairs in Haiti to improve. Since our last letter, we have knocked on 550 doors. For certain, some are not home when we visit, many are disinterested, and others are complacent with their own religion; but occasionally, we meet a precious soul that is receptive to God’s simple plan of salvation. We knocked on Theresa’s (same name as my wife) door in February. She came from Brazil but has a good command of the English language. She put her faith in Jesus that day, and we continue to follow up on her new life in Christ.
My wife has limitations many days with canvassing, as she has structural damage to both knees. We have made various appointments with a chiropractor/doctor this year, and we have elected for her to receive prolotherapy treatments. All of this expense is covered either by our insurance or gratis.
I was able to send all of the necessary monies needed to cover the expenses of our January seminar in St. Raphael. Our staff conducted our winter quarterly meeting effectively. There were over 300 young people in attendance. They were taught material on the doctrine of biblical prophecy. As in the past weeklong seminars, our ladies prepared breakfast and lunch each day for all who were enrolled.
According to our staff, our Christian schools in Haiti have not lost very many days this calendar year. In addition, there are no disturbing reports from the national pastors whom we trained.
Keith & Theresa Baker