Wow! It is always a joy when I stop, sit down, and ponder what the Lord has done. We are often busy and focused on the moment of each day, but when a time of reflection comes, it reminds us of how God has worked. God has blessed our efforts recently to see over 20 people call on Christ Jesus—some during Sunday services and others during times of weekday soul winning. Rose was recently saved and shortly afterward baptized. Much time each week is spent with our people in discipleship, and fruit is coming forth. Amen!
Challenges have also come our way, but God’s grace is sufficient. Our newest grandchild was born at 22 weeks and lived for 15 days. Connie had planned to return to the States at the expected due date already, but our plans quickly changed. Thanks to a precious servant of God, we were able to fly in for the funeral. From that point, we settled on a plan for Connie to remain for a short time to spend time with our children and grandchildren, and I returned to our church and people after 10 days. However, because of a combination of weather and COVID-19 testing issues, Connie had multiple flight cancellations, which delayed her return by a couple of weeks. Praise God, in the end, she returned safely home and is at my side once again!
While I have no intention of leaving Kenya within the foreseeable future, I am diligently working to prepare those whom God has brought alongside me to do His work, with or without my assistance. Charles is continuing to grow in understanding and readiness to serve. I have given him the responsibility to teach most of the new attendees and converts the first four lessons of the Foundations of Our Faith curriculum. About a month ago, he commented to me of a time he was struggling to understand that the doctrine of salvation was by grace, not works. These days he is being used of God to help others understand Ephesians 2:8-9. I could not be prouder of his growth.
In a similar vein, after going soul winning with two men in particular and teaching them to lead a soul to Christ, a very exciting time has come for me. In recent weeks, I have sent Fred and Charles out together, and in various combinations with other church members, to evangelize the area around Lighthouse Baptist Church. More than 10 people have understood God’s gift of salvation and called upon Christ. Afterwards, we talk about it together in a time of rejoicing and fellowship.
On any given Sunday, we have various lessons being taught after the service has concluded. Some of our ladies have progressed to Level 2 of our program. Everyone receives a public acknowledgment of success and is given a certificate. Connie is teaching Rachel and Rose together. It is my prayer that soon they will be able to teach others also!
God has given the church a great location. I am amazed at how many visitors come as they are just passing by the busy road and Brother Peter and others invite them in. That being said, our people are busy inviting their friends, workmates, and neighbors to church. It is a rare Sunday that we do not have visitors attend the services. Several months ago, a teenager was invited to attend on a Sunday. The next week he brought his brother Philemon, who has been coming faithfully since that day. The second Sunday that Philemon attended, Charles led him to the Lord. Amen! A short time later, I took Charles to find Philemon’s mom, who was working at a small restaurant she runs. We led her to Christ, and now Mom and Dad have both been coming to church.
With God leading the way, we have great plans for the future and are looking forward to sharing what God will be doing. As always, because it is always true, it is only through your partnership, prayer, finances, and God’s grace that this work is possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you once again for allowing us the privilege to Go, Preach, Baptize, and then Teach others to teach others.
Your servants for lost souls across East Africa,
Andy & Connie Richey