Team Brazil Update: The Renewed Blessings of God
Winter has come to an end, and spring is beginning. Though the change in seasons isn’t as noticeable in Brazil as it is in many parts of the United States, I am reminded of new life, new beginnings, and the renewed blessings of God in sprin [...]
Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: The Lord Is Directing Our New Church Plant
These last months have involved several trips to Y___ looking for a good location, and it has been exciting to see how the Lord has directed. We first went up there a few weeks after our return from furlough and were able to locate a place [...]
Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: Concerned for Their Friends
Your support for missions is being multiplied here in West Africa. Men have been trained and sent out to reach others for Christ. Please pray for these men, their ministries, and their families. Pastor Collins Agyei “In June, we declared it [...]
Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: People Are Ready to Hear the Gospel!
• EIGHT trust Christ in August! • Travel to P___ for intense preaching schedule is locked in! • M______a and his wife escaped to relative safety in a neighboring country. • J___ leaves for Bible college this weekend. God has been gracious t [...]
Team Ghana Update: Developing Leaders
Last week, our church was privileged to hold its annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. The theme was “Developing Leaders,” and our guest speaker was missionary to Nigeria, Dr. Mark Holmes. God blessed our conference with over 500 registe [...]
Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: Web and Radio Stats
PREACHING IN PAKISTAN Praise God for His direction and protection! Though our June trip to Pakistan was delayed for the Lord’s reasons, we have cleared some hurdles and are now in the process of rescheduling our trip! Please pray that we wo [...]