Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: People Are Ready to Hear the Gospel!• EIGHT trust Christ in August!
• Travel to P___ for intense preaching schedule is locked in!
• M______a and his wife escaped to relative safety in a neighboring country.
• J___ leaves for Bible college this weekend.

God has been gracious to put us in the path of people who are ready to hear the Gospel. This month alone, we have had three in Afghanistan who have asked to learn about Jesus. They have patiently listened for many hours as Pastor Mo______d has explained; all three have asked to receive Him but have Islamic wives who have threatened to report their own husbands to authorities if they continue their studies. They do not realize the freedom they would have with nurturing, Godly husbands. Please pray for them.

Meanwhile Stateside, our home church, B___ B___ Church in A___, M___, hosted their annual soul-winning tent at the L___ County Fair. Close to 200 trusted Christ during the week, thanks to the Spirit’s work and some dedicated people. I was able to win 6 during this very active week. One such young man was C___, who was attentive and respectful. He eagerly trusted Christ and invited me for a follow-up at his home. I visited but found only his grandmother M___ at home. The visit was not wasted, however, as M___, too, trusted Christ very readily.

We have locked in our travel itinerary to P___, with some incredible meetings scheduled. I am not at liberty to share particulars, but I look forward to sharing many pictures and details later in September. PLEASE PRAY for appointments, protection, good health, smooth connections, and the Holy Spirit’s power as we go.

M_______a and his wife have lived through a horrible two years in Afghanistan, but with help and prayer, we were able to help them escape into a neighboring country, get their feet on the ground, and connect them to a church I serve with. Pastor A___x welcomed them with open arms. Please pray for M_____a’s wife, as she is not saved, but she IS reading the Bible. She is seeing God work! Pray for their future as God directs them.

Lastly, it is with bittersweetness that we send our son J___ off to Bible college at P___ B___ College, E___, I___. As missionaries, we have been so blessed to watch him grow in the Lord into the fine young man he has become. He has grown up in the United States, Spain, Turkey, and Morocco. What a spirit he has! Time in a Moroccan jail for sharing the Gospel NEVER deterred him. He is an arrow in the Lord’s quiver. Please pray for him as God uses him. Please pray for us as we commit him completely to God’s care. He is the Lord’s, not ours, but what a privilege we have had to play a part.

Missionary #6505