Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: Graduation and Travels

By |2024-03-29T12:45:44-05:00March 31st, 2024|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

After already enjoying a nice holiday break from our kids’ homeschooling and my seminary teaching, we rejoiced to have our oldest son Joseph visit us from the U.S. At both churches in which our family is involved, members were happy to see [...]

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Brendan and Karin Morgan Prayer Letter: Time of Transition, but Also Great Blessing!

By |2021-05-10T18:49:01-05:00May 12th, 2021|Categories: Brendan Morgan Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I apologize for the long gap between letters! We have been very busy the last couple of months, but I will do my best to send out a new letter once a month. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. God has been so good to us during M [...]

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Mark Holmes Prayer Letter: Graduation and Conferences

By |2020-03-30T13:04:27-05:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In the last decade, Providence Baptist College & Seminary and Temple Baptist Institute have averaged conducting a graduation every two years. Another one of these special occasions occurred on the 11th of January, with twenty-one studen [...]

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