Warren and Jary Lynn Storm Prayer Letter: Keep the Buses Rolling Celebrating 29 Years

2022-07-30T14:04:57-05:00July 31st, 2022|Categories: Prayer Letters, Warren and Jarylynn Storm|Tags: , |

Keep the Buses Rolling 29th Anniversary God laid this ministry on my heart at a “God Save America” Conference at Hyles-Anderson College on July 11, 1993. Dr. Bob Gray preached the message, “Why Win Children?” I surrendered to God’s call and [...]

Tommy and Emily Ashcraft Prayer Letter

2021-11-20T09:36:12-06:00November 22nd, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Tommy and Emily Ashcraft|Tags: , |

Thank you for all you do to keep your missionaries on the field. Your financial support and your constant prayers are vital in allowing us to serve God where He has put us. We are aware of the hard work that produces the finances for missio [...]

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