Shari House Prayer Letter: Bible English Camp

By |2018-02-01T21:49:36-06:00February 1st, 2018|Categories: Dr. Bob and Jacqueline Bowen, Prayer Letters, Shari House|Tags: , |

This was our second year to have Bible English Camp. What an amazing week with over 70 campers! This year the Lord provided us with beautiful campground facilities to use. The campers ranged in age from 5-19 and enjoyed days filled with Bib [...]

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Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: What a Year!

By |2018-01-25T14:47:12-06:00January 26th, 2018|Categories: Missionary #6011, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Wow! What a year 2017 has been! Praise the Lord for His unending goodness and supply! Thank you to so many of you for being in the chain of provision and for your prayers on our behalf. We hope that you had a Merry Christmas and are enjoyin [...]

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Tim Shook Prayer Letter: God Was Good in 2017!

By |2018-01-20T13:41:50-06:00January 20th, 2018|Categories: Prayer Letters, Tim Shook Family|Tags: , |

November brought us to the end of our furlough travels, and we were thrilled to have another church commit to give money toward the church’s Building Fund. God gave me another opportunity to preach in Missy’s home church, Midwestern Baptist [...]

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Wes Palla Prayer Letter: A Wonderful Holiday Season!

By |2018-01-16T22:29:22-06:00January 17th, 2018|Categories: Prayer Letters, Wes Palla Family|Tags: , |

I hope some of you were able to enjoy a properly white Christmas . . . or at least a cold one. It has been a few years now, but Christmas still feels “odd” to us here in the Southern Hemisphere. The days are the longest of the year, our tem [...]

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Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter: 2017 Review and 2018 Goals

By |2018-01-11T18:23:56-06:00January 14th, 2018|Categories: Prayer Letters, Simeon and Susie Hudson|Tags: , |

Happy New Year! We hope and pray your lives and ministries have been blessed in 2017 and that 2018 will be even better. Our goals for 2018 include, as always, a closer walk with Him. Our ministry goals are to plant two new churches and grow [...]

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Team Thailand Update: Happy New Year!

By |2018-01-22T22:06:53-06:00January 14th, 2018|Categories: Team Thailand, Team Updates, Tim Shook Family|Tags: , |

With the start of each new year, we are given the opportunity to look back at the previous year, 2017, with joy and gratefulness to our God for victories and lives changed for His glory. We especially praise God for souls saved and baptized [...]

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Brian Hebert Prayer Letter: Another Blessed Year

By |2018-01-11T19:00:58-06:00January 13th, 2018|Categories: Brian and Liz Hebert, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

As we close out the year 2017 and begin afresh the new year 2018, I’m reminded of the many times God has done great things for us; I trust you have this sweet reminiscing in your hearts and minds as well. The year 2017 was a year of long tr [...]

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Kounaro Keo Prayer Letter: Our First Deacon

By |2018-01-12T17:50:51-06:00January 13th, 2018|Categories: Kounaro Keo Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

“I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.” (Psalm 145:1-2) Thank you so much for praying for our family’s safety during our fl [...]

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Montana Morrow Prayer Letter: God Supplies All Our Needs!

By |2018-01-10T14:28:28-06:00January 10th, 2018|Categories: Montana Morrow Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In the last two months, we have had the pleasure of visiting several new churches. Some of these were in our hometown, while others were several hours away. Since we have been out on the road, God has provided above and beyond all we could [...]

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Paul Sock Prayer Letter: Encouraged Travelings

By |2018-01-04T15:59:20-06:00January 5th, 2018|Categories: Paul and Jolie Sock, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

These past months have been very busy for Jolie and me, as we have traveled three times. First, we needed to go to the United States for a physical checkup for both of us. The doctor gave us both a good report and said we could return to Po [...]

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