Mark and Kim Palmani Prayer Letter: Getting Ready for Another Year of Our Bible College

By |2021-08-30T22:24:33-05:00September 5th, 2021|Categories: Mark Palmani Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

This past month has been a time of preparation for the upcoming year of our Bible college. We always pray that God will use us to train young men and women for the ministry. When we started the church 16 years ago, we had a young teenage la [...]

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Scott Christiansen Prayer Letter: Walking in Truth

By |2021-08-25T09:10:47-05:00August 3rd, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Scott Christiansen|Tags: , |

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John 1:4) During June and July, we entered into increased restrictions due to COVID-19. Our movements are limited to essential tasks and our church services to 10% of [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: Project Progress and Conference Success

By |2021-07-21T17:20:30-05:00July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

The month of May allowed me the first opportunity to be a part of two of the six pastors’ conferences that we have planned for this year (I missed one in February before we returned to Nigeria). Truth Baptist Church hosted the 12th Annual S [...]

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Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Church Finance – Part 2

By |2021-05-11T18:13:28-05:00May 17th, 2021|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Our family is scheduled to fly out on Monday, May 17, to spend two months in the States for a short furlough. We ask you to pray that all of our COVID tests will be negative. Our desire is be a blessing to everyone we meet as we travel. Ple [...]

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Scott Christiansen Prayer Letter: The Lord Is Faithful

By |2021-04-05T19:11:43-05:00April 4th, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Scott Christiansen|Tags: , |

“Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” (I Thessalonians 5:24) Recently I have been reminded that we can plan and hope, but God changes our plans and expectations. However, the God we serve is a faithful God and deserves the [...]

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Mark Holmes Prayer Letter: Return from Furlough

By |2021-03-05T11:00:44-06:00March 8th, 2021|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I am writing this letter, having my whole family with me in Abuja. We had several delays in our return due to required tests for travel; but, thankfully, we finally arrived on February 19. The longest furlough of our ministry was fruitful o [...]

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Charlie Vest Prayer Letter: Committed to Getting TAN to Asia

By |2021-03-04T11:41:35-06:00March 7th, 2021|Categories: Dr. Charlie Vest Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Since the beginning of the year, word has reached us of the passing of many missionary and preacher friends, among whom was Dr. Ed Tutton, the founder of Teaching All Nations (TAN). From the day I heard of his death, I have made a commitmen [...]

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Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: Soul-Winning Pastors

By |2023-07-04T11:56:11-05:00February 26th, 2021|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

Please pray for these men, their families, and their ministries as you read their testimonies. Pastor Collins Agyei “Mr. Yaw Boakye is from Adwafo. I met him at his house and shared the Gospel with him, and he got saved. Since then, he has [...]

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Team Ghana Update: New Bible College Students

By |2023-07-04T11:59:25-05:00January 27th, 2021|Categories: Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|Tags: , |

Our Bible college was started by Dr. Doug Kalapp, Dr. Ed Tutton, Brother Billy Carter, and Brother Adam Ogle. We thank God for blessing us with 80 graduates so far. We pray often for God to send us more disciples to train. These, our newest [...]

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Mark Holmes Prayer Letter: Solo Trip to Nigeria

By |2021-01-21T16:18:33-06:00January 20th, 2021|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The first three weeks of November were full of activity, as I rounded up a month-long solo trip to Nigeria. On the 1st, I preached in special services at three churches in Ibadan for an ordination, an anniversary celebration, and the kickof [...]

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