The contract was just signed to rent a location to plant our next church! Thank you for praying and giving to help make this become a reality. In God’s timing, He provided a good-sized house, with several rooms for classes, near a main avenue. What makes it so appropriate is the very large patio behind the house that is completely covered with tile flooring, as you can see in the picture. We are going to install a metal roof over it, which will transform this backyard into a life-changing sanctuary! I believe the best is yet to come, and I am anxious to see what God is going to do in the years to come! Please pray that from this site, many people will be called into the ministry, trained, and sent out into full-time Christian service.
We are going to start the services inside the house, where we can seat about 75 people. As our ministry grows, there will be an obvious need to build the roof over the backyard to accommodate the crowd. This will offer a beautiful opportunity for the new members to learn to give sacrificially to help progress the work of God! Please pray that God would provide the funds to build the roof and for wisdom to help train the people to be generous givers.
One of the priorities of our ministry is to enlist our converts in Bible studies to start building their faith and preparing them for the ministry. Those who complete the Bible studies are the ones who will become teachers, preachers, and leaders in our church. Please pray for new Bible studies to be started and for our new converts to grow enthusiastically.
A productive place where I have been seeing people saved is on the public transportation buses. I will pass out tracts and try to witness to those who will listen. It was such an occasion when I handed a tract to Jose Masabi, a 33-year-old real estate agent. He told me he grew up religiously in the Catholic church but did not understand he could have a personal relationship with God. After showing him from the Bible how to be saved, he readily trusted Christ as his Saviour! There are multiplied thousands of people here just like Jose, waiting to hear the Gospel truth. Please pray that God would use our new church to reach those people. Please also pray that Jose Masabi would come to our church, get baptized, and become a faithful and productive servant of Christ.
Please fast and pray with me that God would give to our church in La Paz so that they could buy property. I would like to get this project behind me to focus my attention on our ministry in Santa Cruz. This is a need that is beyond my personal reach, but there is strength in numbers. I believe God will provide if we will band together and fervently pray! Along the way, I will fast and pray for your request if you will send me an email at
I am projecting to start the church in June! It has taken a long time to get to this point in our ministry, but it has finally arrived. God has taught us to have patience and be persistent, and He has proven to be the faithful God Who hears and answers prayer! Please pray for many visitors to get saved, baptized, and become faithful members on the opening day.
The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows,
Xavier Lopez