Let me begin by sharing an update about our kids! Our youngest, Ben, turned 7 this month. He is my soul-winning partner. Faith (8) and Ben are being trained to win other children to Christ by our children’s pastor, Missionary Micah Christiansen. Joy (12) helps in the nursery and goes soul winning. John (16) works on a bus route on Saturdays. His desire is to serve God with his life; Lord willing, we will take him to Bible college next year. Every day they are up early doing their devotions. They are on break from school for a few weeks. Next week John and Joy will participate in “SMITE Camp” where they will receive training in how to conduct Bible Clubs. I thank God for His grace in the lives of our kids. What joy they bring to Maria and me!
Easter Weekend
On the Friday morning before Resurrection Sunday, many of our church members came out to invite those who live in the communities surrounding our church to our Sunday service. Twenty-eight of our Sunday school class members came for this outreach. Maria and the kids also participated in this fun event.
God blessed our class with 30 visitors and a total of 145 adults on Resurrection Sunday. Eighteen different class members brought visitors. Here are a few special stories related to this great weekend:
• Last month, I wrote about the family of Ali. Ali is a member of Hope Fundamental Baptist Church for the Deaf. Missionary Rocky Hall helped us make this contact. We thank God that two of Ali’s sisters have attended for four weeks now. Their mother has visited twice. Ali’s brother Sulley visited for the first time on Resurrection Sunday; the same day, one of Ali’s sisters was baptized. We praise God for this.
• The Michael Frimpong family lives over an hour away from our church, yet they brought 9 visitors!
• Paul Obeng completed our discipleship curriculum last year. (I wrote about him in our December 2020 letter.) He comes for soul winning and church whenever he is on break from school, so he came Friday for inviting our community, Saturday for soul winning, and Sunday for church. He also brought his friend Emmanuel with him each day. Paul was my translator as we went soul winning on Saturday. Mary (pictured on left) had visited our church a few weeks ago. Paul and I won her to Christ, and she came again on Sunday.
• Janet sells bananas at the corner where we turn off the main road to go to our house. I’ve been inviting her to church; and, thank the Lord, she and her daughter came to our Sunday school class and church for the first time.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for Ali’s family, Paul, Emmanuel, Janet, and the others who visited our church this past Sunday; pray for God to work in their hearts. We also need your prayers for the renewal of our church lease. We need to raise $350,000. Praise the Lord that over half of this amount has been committed by various churches and individuals. This video further explains our need: Ghana Lease.
Thank you for praying!
Mike, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, & Ben

Missionary Mike Sarver preaching the Gospel to a lady named Mary