Xavier and Rebecca Lopez Prayer Letter: Teen Camp, Prayer Requests, Anniversary, & Souls Saved & Baptized!Thank you for your wonderful investment of time in prayer and financial support to help our ministry prosper and grow. Our family is grateful and excited to continue seeing God work through our partnership with you! Our most recent family photo is on the right. Please pray for God’s blessings on our marriage, protection on our family and ministry, and God’s love and power to transform lives.

The picture to the left is of our Teen Camp in July, where God worked and blessed our efforts. Out of all the camps we have ever done, this was by far the coldest, and many of our young people suffered during the nights—but thank God for the burning, fiery preaching of the Word of God! Please pray that God would help our young people fulfill the life-changing decisions they made and that God would raise up more full-time Christian servants for Christ.
In the month of July, my father-in-law had some health complications and almost passed away! We took an unexpected trip to the States to be with him. Thank God, he pulled through the worst part of his circumstances, but he is still struggling concerning his health. Please pray for my father-in-law, Dr. Clarence Moore, that God would heal his body.

In August, we celebrated the 2nd Anniversary for our church, Iglesia Bautista Luz del Evangelio. God blessed, and we had 274 in attendance, with many visitors, souls saved, and we got to baptize! The pictures below are of the big day. I thank God as we continue to grow and our church learns to work as a team for the glory of God. Please pray that God would provide so we can buy property and build to help us reach more people and accommodate the larger crowds.

Please pray for Fernando, who is the one getting baptized in the picture. He is 18 years old and is one of the newer young men who went to Teen Camp and got his life transformed. During our big day, his mom visited because she could not believe the change that has taken place in his life. Please pray that he would stay faithful and that God would call him to full-time Christian service.

Our friend, Bro. Darrell Ratcliff, who is a missionary in Mexico, will be coming to preach a conference in our church on the last weekend of September. For the first week of October, we are scheduling over 30 meetings in the public schools so that Bro. Darrell can preach to see thousands of students saved! Please pray that God would use the conference to stir us to reach more people with the Gospel and that we would see an abundance of new converts in our church as a result of the preaching of the Gospel in the public schools here in Santa Cruz.

– Xavier Lopez