This weekly prayer summary is a collection of recent prayer requests derived from prayer letters written by FBMI missionaries and/or missionaries supported by our church, First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN.
Psalm 102:1-2, “A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint before the LORD. Hear my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come unto thee. Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day when I call answer me speedily.”
Dr. Siemer
*Healing of fractured vertebra
Jeremy Snipes
*Trip to Italy to visit the Yetzers
John Cole
*Trip to the Philippines
Bro. Mark Bosje
*Hosting June 5-16 Thailand trip
Ashcraft, Tommy and Brenda
Mexico (Stateside)
*Their health
+His high blood pressure
+Her treatment at rehabilitation center for broken pelvis
Belisle, James and Linda
Missionary Evangelist, FBMI FSC
*His May 25-June 9 trip to Nigeria for Missionary Mark Holmes’ national and regional conferences (God’s power and safety)
Bowen, Bob and Jackie
“BEST” Bible Distribution
*May 31 departure for six-week trip in Southeast Asia and Nagaland in Northeast India
Brouwer, Bill and Tammy
*Money for tin roof for the permanent building just built for Zuury Baptist Church
*Pastors’ Conference in Morogoro for Baptist pastors all over Africa
Contreras, Rodrigo and Danyra
*God to bless their two new bus routes
*Preparation for their church anniversary (expecting a big day of 400+)
*Their Bible institute
*Money for work projects
Garza, Jonathan and Monica
Ukraine (to the Jews)
*That newborn Nehemias will live (her care of him)
Goodpaster, Nathan and Audrey
Philippines (medical furlough)
*Jonathan’s healing from cancer
*To have a good report from MRI scans
*Mel Veloso, recent Bible college graduate, as he transitions to handle the daily operations of the main church plant, as well as the ongoing building program
*Follow-up of 100 converts at Vacation Bible School and 200 attendees
+28 saved through their first medical-mission outreach
*Government issues to be resolved quickly so they can get an occupancy permit for their church auditorium and a building permit to begin construction on their Sunday school building
Guatemalan People and Missionaries
*Need postal service again
Hall, Curtis and Amber
BEST Ministries (deputation and raising funds for BEST)
*His June 1-30 trip to Southeast Asia to be productive
Jones, Layne and Nelia
*September 5-25 furlough
Kimmel, TJ and Christa
CORE Missions
*Blood clots in his lungs and other areas of his body (had to cancel his Philippines trip)
*Hosting future (shorter) trips:
+In June, to Jamaica
+In July and September, to Haiti
+December to Cuba
*Stateside meetings with family in August, September, and October
*The team of 10 individuals who are involved in the CORE ministry and help to keep it running
*Plans for January 2018 trip to the Philippines
*Money for backpacks (care packages) for trips
Marasco, Sam and Krista
FBMI Church Planting (deputation)
*The next church plant (Rock Point Baptist Church)
*Raising of support (at 50%)
*Safe travels
Matney, John and Chrystal
South Africa (deputation)
*Her six- to eight-week recovery from major emergency surgery
*Raise $1,000 for unexpected medical expenses so this doesn’t delay their departure to the field when they finish deputation
Murillo, Robert and Joy
*Her healing of cancer
Nordman, John and Gwen
*His recovery from cancer surgery
Owens, Nathan and Karie
South Africa Church Planting
+40 in attendance for May 21 start of Grace Baptist Church
*Protection from evil and continued good health for their family
Palla, Wes and Cynthia
*Goal to be averaging 50 in every service by their one-year anniversary
*Follow-up of 30 first-time visitors to their Mother’s Day service
*Antonio (32, leukemia)
Tevault, Bob and Susan
*Schedule changed a little due to Martial Law being declared on the island of Mindanao
*Upcoming school year
Tutton, Ed and Carolyn
Teaching All Nations
*Daughters Karen Mendez and Kim Whitehead (their healing from cancer)