Roberto and Angela Tirado Prayer Letter: Just AskPRAISE

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8) Francisco has been faithfully attending our church. One service recently after I preached on answered prayers, he mentioned to me a big need for his nephew. Francisco’s nephew was born with only one lung about one year ago now. When he made his prayer request known to me, to tell you the truth, I was just stunned! I had never heard of a newborn being born with only one lung, but we started faithfully praying for Alejandro. Alejandro has lived in the hospital for all of his short life. So far, he has had various surgeries and, as a result, has lost a good portion of his weight. As we started praying for Alejandro, his parents, and his medical team, I was not sure how God would answer our prayers for such a serious physical and delicate situation, but we were praying to our all-powerful and great Creator God!! After praying diligently for little, precious Alejandro on July 14, I texted Francisco and asked him for an update on Alejandro’s health. PRAISE THE LORD, Francisco informed me that Alejandro was doing much better and was now at home for the first time in his life! I personally believe that our God worked a miracle in Alejandro’s little body! We continue to pray for Alejandro and his continued recovery.

Just this past Friday, we were able to have our building permit renewed for another year!


Please pray along with us as we continue to pray for Alejandro’s continued recovery, for our church to grow, and for souls to be saved. We have been faithfully going out every week and preaching the Gospel of Christ. We trust that the Lord will give us more fruit. We have had various first-time visitors to our church.


Thank you to all who sent cards and emails in remembrance of Angela’s and my 37th wedding anniversary on July 24. I praise the Lord for such a good and patient wife!!

Yours for souls,

Roberto Tirado