Paul and Jolie Sock Prayer Letter:  Quick Trip to the USAI’m sorry for being a little late on our prayer letter. It has been a very busy time for us, but Jolie and I were able to make an appointment at a clinic in Indiana for her to get some important medical help. The doctor treated some of Jolie’s stroke issues, and she has had a lot of good success; she is feeling like new again. Praise the Lord! Many have seen her and commented that it didn’t even appear that she’d had a stroke. The doctor said that her mobility has greatly improved. Since this treatment, she was able to go into a grocery store with me for the first time in six months. Her brain fog has gone from a 10 (being the worst) to a 0. Her cognitive abilities have improved, and the pain in her body has minimized.

We saw many of our family members after several years. We got to encourage people to love and good works, and we ourselves were very much encouraged. God answered many of our prayers. Jolie and I want to thank you for your thoughts and prayers, though we did not get to see everyone.

While staying in an apartment, the bathroom broke down for two days. A man came to repair it. I started talking to him about being stationed in Germany in the military before the Iron Curtain came down during Communist time. He told me he had also been stationed in Germany in the military and had driven into Western Poland. It gave us something in common to talk about. Another brother named Brian, who was helping with the plumbing problem, witnessed to the man. He said he was Catholic, but he did hear the Gospel.

We are grateful for the part you have in the efforts to help be a light and encouragement around the world. The church in Poland has seen a lot of strength in its bilingual church services—almost trilingual. The Lord has built the Slavic part of our church, with many more Slavs coming to our assembly, and many more new foreigners have been attending. God has been adding more to our group of soul winners. A couple returned to our church after years of being away; they also brought several believers with them. While Jolie and I were away, we had two faithful brothers in the church lead the services. They did a great job. It used to be very hard to leave because no one was able to cover for me.

We have been back about two weeks now and are still catching up on a lot of work. We would appreciate your prayers for developing a youth group in our church. We have a brother who has been helping a lot to lead in this direction. He has also been a blessing in helping us with some administrative work to help organize our church even better. We have several people who are considering being missionaries to come and work with us. We would ask your prayers for them as they are praying and asking for God’s leading and direction in the timing for them to come.

More than conquerors,

Paul Sock