Our church kitchen is done! Although we need to add some more furnishings, the kitchen is already being used and has been a blessing to our church and community.
Every Sunday afternoon, we go soul winning. A couple of months ago, as we were leaving an area where we had been visiting, a young woman started waving our bus down with one of our church tracts in her hand. She said that she was looking for a church and was interested in visiting ours. She came and has been coming ever since.
This lady, whom I will call Maria, told us that she came from a very sinful lifestyle, but that God had been convicting her about her sin. We have started discipleship with Maria, who always asks many questions about the Bible. Praise God! She is growing in the Lord. Please pray for Maria’s job situation. She works for a government branch that promotes gay and transgender issues. Sometimes she’s put in a position where she must promote anti-Christian values. Maria’s sister is also coming to church with her and is excited about the Lord.
At the beginning of the month, we took a group of teens to camp. We took a smaller group than in previous years, but they had a much better attitude. At least one of them made the decision to serve God full-time with his life, for which we are grateful. My oldest son Juan came from the States to help and participate in the camp. It was a joy having him and seeing him help our teens.
The school, which we recently started, is going well. We have added a couple more students. We are up to six now. As we promote it, more people are interested in it. We are still working on the paperwork with the government.
Prayer Requests
1. March 27-29, we will be hosting a Family Camp at our church. Pray that it will be well attended and that God will provide the money to make some infrastructure upgrades that are needed to be able to accommodate the campers better.
2. Pray for the government to speed up the process with the paperwork for the school.
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. May God bless you and continue to use you.
Osmin Gutierrez

My wife is very happy about the kitchen!